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Anokhi's bike is set on fire, while she is assaulted with water balloons and blasted with a fire extinguisher

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Anokhi's bike is set on fire, while she is assaulted with water balloons and blasted with a fire extinguisher. Seriously, are these Sabherwal kids all sociopaths? Regular bullying and taunting is bad enough, but they seem to be particularly malicious - like in Episode 1, when everyone watched the guy about to commit suicide and found it entertaining.

After being spurned by Shaurya and abused by her classmates, Anokhi tries to maintain a fierce exterior but is near her breaking point. She thinks to herself, "Please stop. Help me." That plea is directed at Ahir, since he'd come to her rescue several times in the past. She knows he can't save her now, but pleads internally, "Nobody's coming. But still... please..."

But she is not alone, because she has Shaurya! He bursts in on the scene, furiously shoving her tormenters away and beating them up (rather violently, I might add).

Shaurya kneels and takes Anokhi into his arms, saying, "I'm sorry." Picking her up, he walks away from the now-subdued crowd.

Anokhi, thinking of the hotel pictures, tells him, "I didn't do it, really." He tells her, "It doesn't matter. So keep your mouth shut." She mumbles, "You still don't believe me, do you?" Shaurya, looking upset with himself, says, "I do, I believe you!"

(I'm a little annoyed at how they took this potentially great scene and totally ruined it with ridiculous cheesy music. It's so tragic and heartbroken, you'd think they both found out they had cancer or something. With 90 days left to live. And are also siblings.)

Back at his mansion, Shaurya insists on tending to her wounds himself. When she tries to take over, he asks, "Wanna sit still, or wanna be tied up?" (Why Shaurya, you say that like it's a bad thing.)

Now that she's safe, they can get back to their mating dance bickering: he reproaches her for not learning from the past and letting herself be bullied, saying she must have the learning ability of an orangutan. They argue some more until he takes a towel to wipe Anokhi's face, and his heart starts pounding.

Rattled, Shaurya shoves the towel in her face and tells her to do it, then walks outside, where he clutches his heart and takes a deep breath. (So. Sweet.)

After tracing the guy in the photos to Dolly Khanna (who masterminded the plan), Anmol and Yash now deliver Dolly to Shaurya, along with her kindergarten yearbook. Inside, Dolly's picture has been scratched out, which takes them to a kindergarten flashback to explain why Dolly would have done such a thing:Cute Little Ahir - wearing all white, of course! - is playing the violin, and faking it just as badly as Grown-up Ahir. Little Anmol is playing with clay, and Little Yash is counting his fake money with the board game Life. HA.

But they don't have anything on Little Shaurya, who is OMG so adorable. And also afraid of bugs. Attacked by a buzzing insect, he tries to shoo it away, when Dolly joins in and swats at the bug with her sketchbook. She assures Shaurya that the bug is gone now and looks at him hopefully. He catches a glimpse of the page she'd been drawing, which shows a couple labeled with their names. (She's supposed to be ugly, which they've enhanced with makeup and freckles.)

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