EPISODE 8: "Stay here. At my house. By my side."

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Annoyed that Anokhi Bhalla has canceled their date, Shaurya marches out of his office in a huff, agitatedly trying to reach her

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Annoyed that Anokhi Bhalla has canceled their date, Shaurya marches out of his office in a huff, agitatedly trying to reach her.

At home, Anokhi Bhalla is about to pick up Shaurya's call when suddenly, she hears someone loudly knocking at her apartment door.

It's her mom, and Anokhi Bhalla rushes over to let her in, forgetting all about Shaurya in the process.

Meanwhile, still inside the hotel elevator, a frustrated Shaurya wonders why Anokhi Bhalla isn't picking up.

Just then, the elevator doors slide open and in steps Shaurya's ex, Shagun, accompanied by a middle-aged businessman.
Clearly hoping to spark some jealousy, she cautiously asks Shaurya if he's curious to know why she's coming out of a hotel suite with a man, but Shaurya doesn't let her get to him - he simply responds that he's not particularly interested in her personal life.

As they step out of the elevator, Shagun tells Shaurya that she was being sincere when she asked that they start over.

Shaurya responds that he was being sincere too, and he makes it clear that he has no reason whatsoever to start over with her.

Shagun tells Shaurya that she hasn't been able to find a man as good as him, and even promises to sign the prenuptial that he wanted.

Shaurya tells her to do whatever she wants, retorting that it's not like he's the one she'll be marrying anyway.

Shagun reminds Shaurya to think of the situation with a practical mindset - she's an only child, and Shaurya will definitely have use for the company shares that he would gain through marrying her.

Shaurya stops her from saying any more and walks off, leaving Shagun to remark aloud that he's the same as ever.

At Anokhi Bhalla's apartment, her mom demands to know whether the rumor she heard from Monty is true or not: Is Anokhi Bhalla's boyfriend really a chaebol?
Grimacing, Anokhi Bhalla confirms it, and her mom asks Anokhi Bhalla if she's lost her mind.

Anokhi doesn't make things any better when she reassures her mom that it's just a sponsorship, and that she's dating Shaurya in return for him helping out with Anmol's contract issues.
Anokhi Bhalla adds that it's not even like she has to sleep with Shaurya or anything and at that... which is when her mom loses it, giving Anokhi Bhalla a forceful whack on the arm for even daring to mention sex.

Her mom orders Anokhi Bhalla to stop this charade immediately, but Anokhi Bhalla argues that she already signed a contract, and there's no going back now.

Promising that they have no intention of getting married, Anokhi Bhalla insists that everything is strictly business, but her mom remains unconvinced.

Later, as Anokhi Bhalla and her mom are making dinner, Anokhi Bhalla gets a call from Shaurya , who's curious to hear about her mom's reaction.

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