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Anokhi fights off her trio of attackers, who grab her from the girls' locker room and hold her down

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Anokhi fights off her trio of attackers, who grab her from the girls' locker room and hold her down.

They stop at the arrival of Ahir, who asks what they're doing in his languid, casual manner. His presence flusters the guys, because they're acting on Shaurya's orders, and Ahir is obviously Shaurya's friend. As though oblivious to the scene going on in front of him, Ahir peers down at Anokhi and asks if she'd left something out of her pancake recipe from before. Something went wrong when he tried it. Still held down by her attackers, bewildered at the non sequitur, Anokhi mentions baking powder. Rather an awkward way to discuss cooking techniques.

Ahir addresses the three minions: "Why are you still here?" Faced with disobeying Ahir to his face or Shaurya behind his back, they skedaddle

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Ahir addresses the three minions: "Why are you still here?" Faced with disobeying Ahir to his face or Shaurya behind his back, they skedaddle.Ahir covers her in a towel, and as he turns to leave, Anokhi tells him, "Thank you." In his even tone, he answers, "I wasn't helping. These things just annoy me."

In his mansion, Shaurya hears of Ahir's interference. To show us that Shaurya isn't completely heartless, he criticizes his minions for their extreme measures - he'd merely instructed that they scare her (to show her a "bitter taste").

Ahir's kindness lingers in Anokhi's mind for the rest of the day. She happens to come across him when she bicycles past him fondling a poster of a famous model at a bus stop. Not so sure you want to be getting that intimate with anything at a bus stop, buddy.

Anokhi says as much, telling him that a bus stop poster is bound to blacken his hands with dirt. Still, she admires the poster of Babli Garg, who is not only famous for her beauty but also for her charity donations and her brains; she recently passed the law exam in France. Ahir asks, "Do you know her?" Anokhi answers, "Of course. She's my idol."

Ahir enjoys her reaction, smiling at Anokhi's wide-eyed adulation. But his smile fades when she says that Babli, who is bound for great things, could marry royalty, or a president, or something of that sort to become a "world's princess" like Princess Di. At that, Ahir says, "She's just a model."

Anokhi sticks to her fantasy of a foreign prince falling for her idol. Mood killed, Ahir turns to leave with the parting shot, "What do you know?"

At home, Anokhi's computer-obsessed brother finds scandalous news online about one of the students at Sabherwal High School, a second-year who's supposedly pregnant. Identified merely as Miss "B," the family tries to guess who it could be, like a Miss Bhatt or Bhilwara (or Baali - which I wrote as "Bhalla" since it's closer to the phonetic reading).

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