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After Ahir yells at Anokhi for interfering, she walks off with tears in her eyes

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After Ahir yells at Anokhi for interfering, she walks off with tears in her eyes. He looks upset with himself, but the next day, when everyone gathers at the airport to send Babli off, Ahir is conspicuously absent. Anokhi is in a mopey mood, thinking of Ahir. She asks Shaurya in a dejected voice, "Can I ask you something?" Shaurya responds, "If I said no, are you going to not ask?" Referring to her (formerly assertive) attitude, he tells her, "Just act like you did before. This doesn't suit you." For what it's worth, Shaurya has said this a couple times before, which I think is telling - he might complain about how she always talks back but that's obviously why he likes her. He's got no use for weak, defeated girls.

Anokhi asks if it's a good idea to "push down your feelings and not show any emotion" when you like somebody a lot. He tells her that's crap; it's the same as ignoring them. If the earth caved in the next day, wouldn't she die of regret?

A little surprised, Anokhi responds, "You know, you may not be an idiot in everything." He acts as though that's a compliment, and says he'd rather regret doing something than regret not doing something.

Babli says her goodbyes to F4 (I suppose it's F3 right now), and it's nice to see them acting like longtime friends. She hugs Anokhi and asks her to remember her request (to make Ahir smile again).

As she walks to her gate, she looks around, hoping to see Ahir and disappointed when he doesn't appear.

Just as the guys sigh that Ahir's acting pretty cold by not coming, he appears. He's actually been here for hours.

Anokhi thinks Ahir's being a coward, and takes him to task: "What are you doing? Is this all you can do? Follow her!"

At that, Ahir produces his ticket and passport: "I'm taking the next flight." Yash wonders what made him change his mind; Ahir says that Anokhi did.

Before leaving, Ahir turns to Anokhi: "Thank you. It's because of you that I realized I'd have to be honest. You taught me that sometimes you need the courage to hang on. I'm glad I got to know a girl like you."

He leans forward and kisses her on the forehead - Shaurya watches, bothered - then leaves.Afterward, Shaurya and Anokhi stand outside his car, watching airplanes take off. He breaks the silence by facing her, leaning over her to say something. Unlike the last time he tried (and failed) to kiss her, this time her heart starts pounding.

Shaurya: "I'm only going to say this once, so listen up." She nods nervously, and he continues: "Anokhi Bhalla, ___ with me."

And just when he says that bit, a plane flies above and drowns out his words. BWAHAHA. (I think he says, "Go out with me," but we can't be sure.)

Anokhi blinks uncomprehendingly, not having heard those crucial words. But Shaurya straightens and smiles in satisfaction to himself.

So while it's no surprise to us, it is to her when Shaurya walks up to her in the lunchroom and says, without preamble: "Saturday, 4 pm, in front of Tower of Shadows."

Scribbled Stories (𝔼𝕂 𝕃𝔸𝔻𝕂𝕀 ⓑⓗⓔⓔⓖⓘ ⓑⓗⓐⓐⓖⓘ ⓢⓘ)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя