EPISODE 13: "The End of the Contract: Don't meet a good person"

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Anokhi wakes up to find Shaurya holding her hand as he calmly informs her that she's at his house before asking her how she feels

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Anokhi wakes up to find Shaurya holding her hand as he calmly informs her that she's at his house before asking her how she feels.

She's a bit disoriented about the events that brought her here, but he insists that she get some rest first - everything else can be sussed out tomorrow.

"You'll be fine now," Shaurya tells her.
"I'll make it so that no one can ever touch you again. I promise." With that, he kisses her softly on the lips.

Shaurya knows he's in for it when Reema comes barging in, unwilling to take Shaurya 's word that Anokhi Bhalla is fine without seeing it for herself.
Reema wants to take Anokhi Bhalla home, but Shaurya says she'll be just fine here.
This puts Anokhi Bhalla in between the two of them, but she ends up staying with Shaurya .

Reema has no choice but to give in gracefully, though worry remains etched across her face.
As Anokhi Bhalla sleeps in a bed also occupied by Shaurya later that night, she's beset by nightmares that have her in a cold sweat.

Shaurya wakes her up by shaking her shoulder, reassuring her that everything's going to be all right.
Pulling her into his arms, he pats her back gently to help her back to sleep.


In the morning, Anokhi Bhalla wakes and turns over, coming face to face with Shaurya . She's not at all shocked, and only asks what happened yesterday.
He tells her not to be concerned about it and to get more rest, but she insists on going to work.

It's Friday at least, so she claims she'll be able to get the rest she needs over the weekend.
Monty, having likely heard the story of what happened from Reema, pays a visit to Shaurya at his office to give him what for. "Don't make things harder for Anokhi Bhalla," Monty says. "You know better than anyone that you two can never get married."

While Shaurya says that's none of his concern, Monty goes on to describe all of Anokhi Bhalla's angelic attributes, which to him, are all reasons why Shaurya is an unsuitable match for her. "It's usually the bad guys who need angels the most," Shaurya returns thoughtfully, though Monty is less than impressed.

The two of them are soon joined by Ahir and Lawyer Yash to discuss what's to be done about Shagun. Monty acts as Anokhi Bhalla's oppa and proxy as Shaurya reiterates that Shagun not only kidnapped someone, but that it was his own girlfriend. He wants to make her pay for that.

Lawyer Yash wonders if he wants to do so using legal methods, but Monty's against it, since the media firestorm will only make things harder for Anokhi Bhalla - and it'll make it even harder for Shaurya to get married later.

(I assume he doesn't lump Anokhi Bhalla in with this, but it's vague enough that it could also be implicit approval.)

For now, the plan is to alert Shagun's father in an attempt to have him step in and control his daughter. As for Ahir, Shaurya only wants him to try and put a damper on his father's ambitions.

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