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Anokhi mocks Shaurya, who's too cool to brag when he saves someone's life, but she says she's not like him

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Anokhi mocks Shaurya, who's too cool to brag when he saves someone's life, but she says she's not like him.
As a graduate from a no-name college, she needs recognition in order to stand out to her superiors. She's yelling by the time she says that she has to try her hardest all the time, but Shaurya calmly asks why.

She says that she'll be thought of as mediocre otherwise, but Shaurya asks confusedly, "Is it wrong to be a mediocre person?"
Incredulous, Anokhi says he must not know how it feels to be considered useless because everything works out for him, but he retorts that his education doesn't tell his whole story.

She sneers that life is easy for him, and he grumbles that she's got a victim complex and lacks self-awareness.
He says they live in completely different worlds, so he has no advice for her, and she accuses him of being a superior jerk.

For a moment, it looks like Shaurya might lose his temper. But he sighs and just gives her instructions to finish the inspection, then leaves to take care of a different area.
They both grumble to themselves about how annoying and wrong the other is.

Shaurya runs out of steam first and turns to look back towards Anokhi. His right arm swings into a maintenance cart, and the whole thing goes flying and shatters from the impact, drawing stares.

He ducks into an employee corridor, where he hears a voice talking about the bomb. The bomber is on the phone with the help desk again, and Team Leader Vicky listens in as he says he put the bomb on a plane that's leaving in half an hour.

Shaurya zeroes in on the bomber, and when he hangs up his call, he finds Shaurya standing very nearby. It's dark, and Shaurya slowly reaches towards the light switch... and reveals Seung-hoon, the son of the smuggler couple.

While all this is happening, Anokhi spots the man who dropped the gold bars into the trash can and alerts security guard Anmol. The man's flight is delayed by the bomb threat, allowing Anmol to find him and ask for his identification.

Shaurya tells Seung-hoon that he heard him making the bomb threat. Seung-hoon threatens to kill himself if Shaurya doesn't leave, and Kitty's advice to ignore problems or he'll have to leave rings in Shaurya's mind. He tries valiantly, even letting the kid walk right past him, but then Seung-hoon sneers and Shaurya snaps.

He grabs the boy by the shirt, lifts him into the air, them slams him back down. He pins Seung-hoon against the wall one-handed, and in the security office, Team Leader Vicky watches Shaurya's show of superhuman strength on the CCTV feed.

He sees Shaurya take Seung-hoon's phone and make him turn himself in. The bomb threats are determined to be a prank, and when his parents come to the security office and start fussing at him, Seung-hoon yells that he didn't want to go on this trip because he knows they paid for it by smuggling.

His parents try to play innocent, until Shaurya says the gold bars were found and sent to customs.
He tries to leave quietly, but Team Leader Vicky stops him to ask which department he's from.

After the bomb alert is lifted and the suspicious man's ID is checked, Anmol allows him to board his plane. Anokhi runs over to ask why they're letting the guy go.

Anmol says that the man is Japanese and has no criminal record, so they have no reason to stop him.
Anokhi insists that the man left the gold bars in the trash, but Anmol says that's not illegal. His partner tells Anokhi to report these things to customs because Security is too busy, leaving Anokhi gaping in surprise.

She reports to Manager Alok that there will be no reward for finding the gold bars, since Security located the broker, which is her fault for calling them.
It lands her right back on his bad side, and she wilts, having thought she was doing the right thing. But Shaurya watches her from a short distance, looking a little bit proud of her.

He follows her as she finishes the inspection, and she's totally phoning it in, so he calls her on the walkie-talkie to correct her. But he admits that he was too harsh earlier, and he apologizes.
Anokhi sees how dangerous the signs can be when one nearly falls on a little boy right in front of her, and it gives her renewed energy to complete the job properly.

Team Leader Vicky visits the Passenger Services department to talk to Kitty . He asks if she's seen Yash, and she says she's too busy to chat and declines his offer of lunch, but she doesn't look up until he mentions Shaurya.

He says that he looked into Shaurya and found that he didn't even go to the army, but Kitty cuts him off to say that Shaurya is simply a competent employee.
Team Leader Vicky leans in and says, "So I guess you know why, then."While putting some things away, Anokhi overhears two maintenance ladies complaining that Shaurya broke one of their carts. They tell her that he only barely bumped it, but the cart is in pieces.

Team Leader Vicky asks Kitty who Shaurya really is, and she insists he's just a new hire trying to live a normal life. She tells him to forget what he knows and keep his mouth closed, and when Manager Alok comes in, Team Leader Vicky leaves without saying anything else.

Anokhi is distracted at lunch, telling her friend Ahir that she's very curious about Shaurya. Team Leader Vicky joins Shaurya and says he saw him on the CCTV feed.
Shaurya gives his usual answer, that he does a lot of martial arts, and walks away while Team Leader Vicky is still talking.

With his lunch interrupted, Shaurya boils some water in the electric kettle in the break room to make instant ramyun. Anokhi joins him and she also apologizes for being too harsh before. She gives him a sandwich and offers to eat the ramyun, but she knocks the still-boiling water and spills it all over Shaurya's right hand.

His hand turns red and Anokhi freaks out, grabbing ice to cool it down. But Shaurya doesn't even flinch, and he keeps saying he's fine, and he finally tells Anokhi , "I can't feel pain."

Well, that explains some things, but not nearly everything.

Anokhi slaps him without thinking, testing his no-pain claim, and Shaurya clarifies, "Just in my right arm and hand."

PWAHAHA whoops.

She gives him some ice for his face, too, and he smiles at her fussing as he thinks about the fact that he's already told Kitty he wants to quit, because he's revealed too much.

The airport is much calmer by that evening. Manager Alok calls his wife to say he'll be home late because there's a bomb threat, even though the threat is long over and he's just playing computer games.

Kitty goes to Manager Monty to say that she'll work for him under one condition - she gets to bring her team members along. He says she has no authority to request such a thing, and that her transfer wasn't a request, but an order. Kitty says that she'll be taking a leave of absence in that case, and Yash looks impressed as she gives Manager Monty one day to decide.

On her drive home, she talks to Yash on the phone about Manager Monty, and she hangs up on him when he starts to ask her out. He grins, saying that this place is going to be interesting.

Still at the airport, Anokhi waits at the gate while passengers disembark from the flight she checked on earlier. She calls her mother, who was supposed to be on that flight, and her mother says there was an emergency at work but she'll be back soon.

Anokhi fibs that her new team is great and her superiors love her, then she tells her mom all about her coworker who can't feel pain. She wonders what happened to cause his strange condition, admitting that she's growing more and more curious about him.
Shaurya doesn't go home after work, instead visiting a restaurant and talking to the owner very familiarly. The name of the restaurant is Fox Bride Star.

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