EPISODE 29: "The truth behind what we call love"

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We go back in time to one year ago, to the first time Shaurya tried to use his prosthetics

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We go back in time to one year ago, to the first time Shaurya tried to use his prosthetics. He'd been scared, but they had worked, and he'd been able to stand and use his arm for the first time in eleven years. He and Bartender Shaan had both teared up.

He narrates that it was something he'd only dreamed of, but that it had become reality.

Back in the present, the man who caused his accident, Director Raja, sets his men on Shaurya to test out how Shaurya seems physically normal. He'd called Yash and told him what he was doing, so Yash rushes to find Shaurya and (hopefully) stop the attack.

 He'd called Yash and told him what he was doing, so Yash rushes to find Shaurya and (hopefully) stop the attack

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Shaurya doesn't fight back much at first, but then he decides that enough is enough. He deflects a blow from a metal pipe with his right arm, and when the pipe bends in half, Director Raja sits up and pays attention. When Shaurya starts throwing henchmen into cars, the rest of them realize that they're losing the fight. Director Raja looks a little scared when Shaurya walks right past his men to ask if he wants to keep going.

At the airport, Ahir stops Anokhi from leaving and asks her to stay with him, just for tonight. She asks him to choose between being her friend or dating, but she warns him that Shaurya is the only man for her so if he chooses dating, then she'll lose a good friend.

She runs into Shaurya on her way home, and she gets upset when she sees his battered face. He just looks glad to see her and tells her he's fine, but she insists on taking him to the hospital. He stops her firmly, calling her "Anokhi " for the first time, and says that he's really okay, but she hurts to see him like this.

She goes to his place to doctor his injuries, and when he winces and whines that it hurts, she fusses that her mother was right - as soon as a man finds a woman who loves him, he becomes a child. Shaurya grins that that's because her father is pure and innocent like a child, which is why he wrote children's books.

He apologizes for yelling and walking away from her earlier, but she says that when you're dating, it's normal to get mad and fight. He seems delighted by the idea that she wants to do that with him, and they end up teasing each other about fighting, so cute. Shaurya grows serious and invites Anokhi to sleep over, but the question makes her nervous so she runs out after a quick goodnight kiss.

Yash never does find Shaurya, but Director Raja calls him to ask breathlessly what's up with him. Yash sticks with his story that he doesn't know Shaurya and hangs up on Director Raja. He's right outside Shaurya's apartment, but he leaves now that he's certain Shaurya is okay.

Director Raja seethes as his men pick each other off the ground, staring at the pipe that Shaurya drove right through his car's engine.

Without his prosthetic, Shaurya's arm is beginning to look scary, like one huge, angry bruise. He remembers Bartender Shaan's warning that he could die, but the decision he needs to make still doesn't look easy.

Kitty is still at the airport, and she's surprised to see Team Leader Vicky coming out of Manager Monty's office. He says that he left something important on Manager Monty's desk, but he's not inclined to tell her what it is, so she goes up to check it out for herself.

Team Leader Vicky findsAnmol looking out over the tarmac morosely and jokingly asks if he got his heart broken.

Anmol denies it a little too vehemently, then admits that it's true but declines to say who dumped him. Noting that there's a full moon tonight, Team Leader Vicky predicts that tomorrow will get hectic, because "those people" appear when the moon is full..

It's time for the Airport Service Quality assessment, which Manager Monty announces will be conducted anonymously, so he instructs his teams to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities. Team Leader Tez and Bebo decide to perform extra inspections, but Kitty calmly tells her team to just do what they always do.Shaurya confronts Yash in the hall and asks angrily if he's disappointed that he's not injured more than he is, but Yash just asks Shaurya why he didn't run away. He tells Shaurya that all he can do now is either escape to where Director Raja can't find him, or beg for forgiveness.

He warns Shaurya that they'll chase him forever, and Shaurya asks if that's why Yash ran that night. Yash remembers being caught and badly beaten by Director Raja, who wanted a hard drive that Yash stole. Yash's claim that he lost the hard drive only got him a worse beating. Director Raja told him that the chairman made sure he got an education and a good life, but that he was being ungrateful.

Yash swore that he really lost it, but that he'd ensured that nobody could hack the passcode. Director Raja had ordered his men to find out which hospital Shaurya was taken to, and if he hadn't yet died from his injuries, to make sure he didn't survive. Yash had grabbed Director Raja's leg and begged for mercy for Shaurya.

Now Yash tells Shaurya to stop talking about the past, but Shaurya stops him cold by mentioning the hard drive. He'd accidentally left it at the restaurant that night, and Anokhi 's father had given it to Shaurya, which is why he was following Yash. Shaurya says that the password was very complicated, and that he knows what was on the hard drive.

Manager Monty finds the file that Team Leader Vicky left on his desk last night. Whatever it is makes him sit up in alarm, and he looks down to see Kitty watching him carefully.

Team Leader Vicky also reminds his team about the quality assessment. He noticesAnmol shooting sad little glances atReema and smiles to himself, obviously finding the whole thing adorable. The team gets a call that someone is decorating the airport with flowers, but Team Leader Vicky just says there was a full moon last night like that explains everything.

Yash gets a call from Manager Monty, who's upset about Team Leader Vicky's file - an anonymous letter stating that the person knows they met with Chairman Pawan. They both look at Kitty, who's staring back at them like she knows something, so Yash says he'll talk to her.

Shaurya suffers a bad dizzy spell, but he tries to pull himself together to answer an urgent summons from Manager Alok. He fails, and just as he's about to topple over, a hand grabs him and steadies him - Ahir.

Yash asks Kitty if she sent Manager Monty the anonymous letter, and she says honestly that she didn't but she knows what it's about. She asks him when he started planning to privatize the airport, so he tells her that the airport needs a change or it could fall behind its competition. Kitty points out that people said the same thing nine years ago, but that the airport has thrived and expanded since then.

She disagrees that Chandigarh should privatize just because other airports are doing so. She points out that selling off the airport in shares only puts the companies who buy the shares in charge. Historically, airports that do that end up raising their rates, which harms their passengers.

She storms out and goes straight to Manager Monty to ask if he intends to go along with Yash's plan. She tells him to call an emergency meeting and be open about it if he's going to do it, and that she expects an answer by the end of the day.

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