EPISODE 13: :A secret I can't tell, a secret I can tell"

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haurya sees Anokhi sitting alone with her luggage, and he invites her to stay the night at his place in the employee housing

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haurya sees Anokhi sitting alone with her luggage, and he invites her to stay the night at his place in the employee housing. She hesitantly follows him home, where they're both immediately struck with a bad case of awkward.

Shaurya points out the bathroom and Anokhi says she's happy to sleep in the living room. He shuffles off to his bedroom and she collapses onto the couch, then she pops back up intending to sneak out. Shaurya catches her at it, so Anokhi admits that this feels like a bad idea.

She adds that she hopes there's no misunderstanding, because unlike him, she can't start liking someone in only three seconds. Shaurya asks if he's being dumped, but Anokhi clarifies that she's just saying she needs time to like someone. Shaurya takes that as a solid "maybe," and he's happy when she admits that it means he still has a chance.

 Shaurya takes that as a solid "maybe," and he's happy when she admits that it means he still has a chance

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He tells Anokhi to stay, promising not to misunderstand and think this means they're dating. He makes kimchi stew while she watches, breaking into a huge smile where she can't see.

Over drinks, Kitty gets a chance to ask Yash the story between him and Shaurya, telling him that Shaurya said that they were brothers once, and that he liked Yash best of anyone. She informs a silent Yash that Shaurya wanted to quit, but she dragged him to Terminal Two, meaning he's there because of her, not him.

Yash says that everyone has a jinx, and Shaurya is his — everything gets messed up when Shaurya is nearby. He tells Kitty that Shaurya isn't the only one who got hurt twelve years ago, but he doesn't go into detail.

Shaurya watches Anokhi shyly as she eats, taking in her pleased expression when she tastes his cooking. She jokes that it's not fair that he's smart and a great cook, making him smile again.

She coughs, and they both reach for a water glass, freezing when their hands touch. It reminds Anokhi that Shaurya flung away her hand when she felt his prosthetic, but this time he just gently pulls away. He thinks about a conversation he had with Bartender Shaan about his arm — Bartender Shaan had asked when Shaurya would tell Anokhi the truth, and he'd said he didn't plan to, because he wants to hide it forever.

As they eat, Anokhi narrates that she had many questions, but she didn't ask any of them. Shaurya's voice tells us that he wanted to spend more time with Anokhi as if nothing was wrong.In the morning, Anokhi wakes to the sound of loud voices, and she whines, "Aww, let me sleeeep!" before remembering that she's at Shaurya's place. Shaurya went to work early, but he made Anokhi breakfast and left a note telling her to leave her suitcases at his place, and she can pick them up after work.

Shaurya went in early to meet with Team Leader Vicky, who wants to talk about his prosthetic after Yash's challenge of whether it's safe to have it in the airport. He asks Shaurya to prove it's safe, saying that it will be an issue if he refuses. Shaurya says it's an invasion of privacy, but Team Leader Vicky tells him that objecting will only attract more attention. He gives Shaurya a week to either prove it's safe, or quit.

When Anokhi leaves for work, she runs right into Reema, who's also moving into employee housing, in Shaurya's building. Anokhi nervously stammers that she was staying with a friend before moving into employee housing herself today, and Reema is curious who the friend is, since she'll be their neighbor.

When Anokhi gets to work, Shaurya is nowhere to be seen. Anokhi is told by a coworker that he hasn't arrived yet. Talking to herself, she nearly gives away that she was at Shaurya's place this morning, so she stammers that he texted her and scoots away.She sends Shaurya a worried text, so he heads towards the office, and on the way he runs across Yash.

After a short glare-off, Shaurya walks right past Yash without a word. Yash makes a call to have the homeless people hanging out in the airport removed in anticipation of an inspection, and one man who appears homeless seems to take interest in his conversation.

Anokhi meets Shaurya at the elevator and drags him off to a storeroom so they can talk privately (seriously, his amused grins at her antics are going to kill me). She tells him that Reema is moving into his building, and that she saw Anokhi leaving his place this morning.

Shaurya doesn't see the problem, but Anokhi is afraid of what people might say if they thought they were dating. She explains that when dating rumors circulate, it's always the woman who ends up shamed. She says that people's stares can hurt, assuming he doesn't know about that, but she couldn't be more wrong.

He asks how she knows about it, so she tells him that people were prejudiced against her because of what happened to her family. She asks him to help her avoid it happening again, so he promises to think of a way to deal with Reema. He asks sweetly if she ate breakfast and whether she slept well, and the soft look in his eyes makes her shy.

After Anokhi leaves, Shaurya hears something fall to the ground nearby. He follows the noise, and when he leans over to pick up the object, someone slips out the door behind him. Uh-oh. He rushes back to the office to see if anyone looks suspicious, but everyone seems to be acting perfectly normally.

Shaurya and Anokhi are ordered to help prepare for today's inspection of the terminal. Kitty asks Manager Alok about their staff lounge, but Young-ran is claiming that her department needs that space for a new store and tells Kitty to find another place. Kitty agrees that profit is important, but so is giving employees a place to rest.

Reema and Kitty continue their argument over the space in front of Yash, who says it's not decided yet, so they demand that Yash make a decision immediately. He says that he'll review their information and make a decision before the inspection.

Reema orders her employee to write up the numbers on potential profit, but Kitty decides to make a personal presentation instead. She chooses Shaurya to give the presentation since he chose the space, and when he says that he'll only make things worse, she tells him to do it anyway.

On her way to help get ready for the inspection, Anokhi spots Reema and looks worried. Maybe she should be worried about the coworker who overheard her mumbling to herself earlier, who gives her a look behind her back in the elevator.

The security team gear up for the removal of the homeless people, withAnmol telling them to be persuasive rather than forceful. It goes well for the most part, though Anokhi keeps staring atReema worriedly. From a distance, the possibly homeless man who overheard Yash's phone conversation watches the proceedings.

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