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THE opening scene sets the tone for the rest of our story as we're introduced to our leading man Shaurya Sabherwal

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THE opening scene sets the tone for the rest of our story as we're introduced to our leading man Shaurya Sabherwal.

He - like many leading men who have come before him - is so damn attractive that he stops women in their tracks. His hair is perfectly styled and so dark it absorbs planets. His legs are long enough to step over skyscrapers. He's fantastical, with a face and body that are too perfect to be real!

Oh wait...He looks fictional because our first glimpse of Shaurya is of his webtoon counterpart, as he struts through an airport looking so fine that he gives whiplash to every woman he passes. But like all successful and handsome CEO-types, he's indifferent and conditioned to having people fawn over his appearance and wealth.

While Shaurya can part seas with his appearance, our leading lady Anokhi Bhalla can clear a path with her stench. A researcher and member of the food development team at Go Food, she has the occupational misfortune of smelling like her current ingredients. And the odor of her newest mackerel-based recipe has people covering their noses as she and her team members arrive at the inauguration of their new company president.

Rumor has it that he's ridiculously handsome, but Anokhi is doubtful since the new president is the grandson of the company chairman Tez Sabherwal.

A hush descends upon the crowd, and long legs stride across the stage. The camera pans up, and... it's Yash, Shaurya's equally attractive friend and chief secretary. With a blank face, he reads Shaurya's prepared speech, which begins with a verbal middle finger to his grandfather for arranging a ceremony he didn't want.

Grandpa is none too pleased with Shaurya's workaholic behavior, and decides it's time to propose a special project for Shaurya. Eagerly assuming it's an opportunity for more work, Shaurya leans in close, and Grandpa happily reveals that the project is - wait for it - marriage!

It is this proclamation that sets our plot in motion.
Shaurya does his best to convince Grandpa that he's uninterested, but Grandpa is as feisty as the chaebols in his favorite drama and won't take "no" or "leave me the hell alone" for an answer. Perhaps the only thing that could slow him down is if Shaurya was in a relationship with Yash, but Yash deadpans that, even if he was gay, Shaurya isn't his "type."

Shaurya pouts over the discovery that his bromance is one-sided. It's not often that Shaurya is rejected, but when it happens - as we'll see later - it's not something that he easily forgets.
Although Yash may not harbor a secret crush on Shaurya , he's still willing to offer up some sagely advice and suggests that Shaurya lean into his grandfather's matchmaking scheme.

Go on the twenty blind dates, and if you find a lady worth marrying, you don't have to waste time on any more. Yash just hopes that Shaurya will find a marriageable woman within the first ten dates. Otherwise, they're going to have to do some international traveling.

Shaurya grows silent, but his expression indicates that his inner wheels are turning. It's clear to us that Shaurya has taken Yash's advice slightly different than he intended, and he suspiciously agrees to go on the first date.

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