[Chapter 17 part 3] Light - The Wall of Legends

Start from the beginning

"So it communicates directly with you?" Free asked.

"Yes, constantly up here." Siegfried tapped his head.

"What does it sound like?" Free pressed. "Is it a female or a male voice? Or does it vary? Is it loud? I'm dying to know."

Siegfried laughed, "I've no idea. No one does, because it doesn't work that way. I don't hear what the HEAVENLY DAO says. I 'remember' it. It's like how you might recall what was said in a book, but you obviously don't know what characters sounded like."

"Come on. Even then, there must be some features——" Free trailed off, stunned. "Did I just——"

"Yes," Siegfried confirmed. "It spoke to you."

"WHAT!?" Lily burst out, radiating indignation. "I've been the regent for eons, and the HEAVENLY DAO has never spoken to me! And it's technically my boss too! Siegfried, what's the meaning of this?"

Siegfried held up a hand, "You're overreacting. While the HEAVENLY DAO does speak to someone every few decades, it never says anything of import. It's always a meaningless whim not affecting anything. What'd it tell you, Free?"

"Suddenly 'THE HEAVENLY DAO SOUNDS LIKE THIS' went through my head. It was unreal. Nobody was talking, but it was too clear to be a stray thought."

"So what'd it sound like?" Light asked.

Free pondered seriously, "Capitalized, I'd say... Don't ask for more than that."

"Why'd it chose to speak now?" Lily asked. Her anger was gone, replaced with a seriousness not meant for a child.

"Because it's particular involved in this narrative." Siegfried revealed. "While it follows thousands at any given moment, occasionally some capture its full attention. What began when Simon Black crossed the arctic is one. The last time it was so excited... Sorry, I'm not at liberty to say."

"Was it Sola's tale?" Lily asked.

"Truly, my apologies. I can't answer." He seemed genuinely saddened. He's laboring under restrictions.

"Is that so..." Lily waved Rose over and maneuvered her right in front of him, uncovering her face. "What'd you think of this?"

Siegfried winced, "I'm just an agent, a spokesman at most."

"Don't be coy with me. You're the official mascot. The one it parades around when it wants to impress people. Besides, that god doesn't have a physical body, and it's really unsatisfying to yell at thin air." Lily ranted. "It's been two thousand years. Isn't it about time to let me grow a little?"

"Must we go through this every visit?" Siegfried said lifelessly. "Can't you plainly state what you want?"

"Both of you have long known my true desire. But if that's impossible, I'd like you to guarantee the safety of these children."

"That's too much." Siegfried replied regretfully.

Lily didn't back down, "Let me ask you, HEAVENLY DAO. Did one of my doppelgangers just happened to survive by chance? I think not. As if trapping me in this body wasn't enough. Now..." Lily pointed at Rose who wasn't enjoying herself, "I'll have the added pleasure of constantly seeing what could've been! Not to mention the murder of Arther... You owe me!"

Siegfried remained quiet. He's discussing with his deity. "Alright, they'll be safe from the Laughing Man while on the Isle. Satisfied?"

"For now," Lily said. "It's what I came for. Also, forgive the aggression, Siegfried. I know you aren't the one at fault."

"Don't worry." Siegfried smiled. "As the avatar of god, I'm used to enduring curses for all the world's wrongs. For what it's worth, I enjoy your theatrics more than most."

"Glad to entertain." Lily retreated to the gondola. "Let's go."

Everyone was silent on the return. Unsurprisingly, Silver spoke first, "I didn't realize it was that easy to make a deal..."

"If it was 'that easy', do you think I'd be stuck a child?" Lily shot a glance breaming with venom, before weariness took over. "The conditions have to be right. Luckily, that was the case this time."

"For the record, what are the 'conditions'?" Rose asked.

"The first step is befriending one of its agents since the HEAVENLY DAO doesn't answer prayers. That gets you to the starting line. From there, your standing comes into play. No one does favors for those they dislike. As much as I'm loathed to admit it, the HEAVENLY DAO loves me. Which reminds me, having been wronged in some way also helps. Finally, the real trick is asking for something it already wants to do."

"You heard Siegfried: you're 'main characters'. Allowing you to be killed off early goes against its interests. That's why I was confident in extracting this guarantee."

"With this, Astra owes me." Lily docked at the Rose Palace. "Kate, take everyone below. No detours please. I must recondition some birds."

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