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"Come on, everyone's got some sort of rhythm... even if it's not good" Derek jokes and Maya gently kicks Derek leg jokingly before Hotch enters the room, wondering where Reid's at geographically.

"Now that we have 3 victims, there's a pattern. It looks like his area of control is near Ridgecrest" Reid explains. "That's a bedroom community, mostly white collar" The other detective on the case states. "It gives him easy access to his hunting grounds and disposal sites" Hotch declares.

"His vehicle could blend into both places" Derek adds as JJ and Emily enter the room. "Allyson remembered seeing a van parked on the street the night Rebecca disappeared" Emily informs.

"And she'd seen it before. But get this- it was parked in a loading zone for hours" JJ adds and Maya raises her eyebrows in concern.

"We can check any recent tickets that have been given out" The other agent states. "I'm sure Garcia is already on that" Maya sighs. "Yeah, she did, and she found nothing" Emily states.

"It's not a residential area, so a vendor maybe. Garcia's pulling permits now" JJ says but this guy has done this before and has left money, the same amount of money, at each body.

The money the unsub left was an investment he didn't have to make because he has every chance and opportunity to take the money instead but... doesn't and buries it with them. "Could be a major guilt" Maya states.

"But-but everything that happened postmortem like keeping them dressed, crossing their arms, giving them peace it's almost... nurturing" Maya adds, knowing something isn't right.

"Yeah, but the kills are the exact opposite. They're incredibly violent and angry" JJ catches on. "Multiple personalities?" Emily wonders. "I'm thinking multiple unsubs" Maya concludes.


The next day, the team discovers another body. "Her name was Julie Harmon. Lives in a loft downtown. Envelope of cash was in her bag, wrapped in plastic" The detective informs. "That's new" Maya says as she looks down at the body that has her arms crossed, resting in peace. "It's like she's prepped for a burial" Maya mumbles.

"This woman doesn't fit his victimology either. Look at her nails, the way she's dressed. Her shoes haven't even hit the pavement" Derek declares, pointing out different things that the team didn't see with the other victims. The detective then assumes that she's some kind of high-class call girl who fought back and got the punishment for it.

Derek suggests that the more they find out about this victim, the faster they'll understand the unsubs and find the killers.

The team then gives the profile to the assembled team, assuming it's a dominant/submissive team of white males. They then offer the idea that in those kinds of teams invariably involve a submissive who procures victims and disposes of their corpses, with the dominant just doing the killing.


Later, the team finds out about the 'insurance' aspect. The latest victim was a licensed sexual surrogate, but Garcia wasn't able to find a list of clients, at least not electronically.

The 'therapy' aspect gives the team all the clue they need. Julie Harmon would only have gone to see someone actually disabled, so that plus the leg bruises and easy parking probably means a wheelchair.

And who would snag whores for a wheelchair guy and get rid of the bodies?

Their basis for this is that while a regular submissive would grab victims, only a close relation would attempt to get the killer 'help' in the form of therapy.

REPLACEMENT; criminal minds (1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora