47. 𝐻𝑖𝑚

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May 10, 2023


I bounced down the stairs gleefully and Saint giggled with each movement. We spent the morning getting ready for today and we were only minutes away from leaving- meaning we were minutes closer to being back home. I felt a confusing mix of emotions when I woke up that made me rethink my plans today. But the overpowering euphoria and peace I got when I woke up to Saint and Syn took my worries away.

I stepped into the living room and saw Syn speaking with Paris. I walked toward them curiously yet kept my distance so as to not interrupt anything. "We're going to be gone until tomorrow night or so. Feel free to stay here or go home and rest until then."

"What about Drake?" Paris spoke up. "Do you want me to start a surveillance on him?"

"Yes," Syn said. "If you find him, I want to be the first to know."

"Of course." Paris's eyes landed on me from behind Syn and he gave me a sweet smile. "Good morning."

"Hey," I said, looking between the both of them.

"Well I'll be going now," he said to Syn. "I'll keep you updated. Happy birthday, Saint." Saint nervously placed his head on my face to hide away from the attention on him and I laughed softly.

With a nod, Paris excused himself and left through the front door, leaving the three of us in the living room. Syn looked down at me with his arms crossed and I gave him a strange look. "What?"

"Were you snooping on us?"

"W-what..." I breathed out. "I would never."

"Hmm." He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Did you hear anything of value?"

"Was there something of value that you didn't want me to hear?" I raised a brow.

"No," he said simply before picking up the bag beside our feet. "I have nothing to hide from you. We're still looking for Drake and the only thing we have at the moment is the messages he sent to you."

"Are they helping at all?"

"Not currently," he said. "But we'll find him."

"And then what?"

"What do you mean and then what?" He looked over his shoulder at me before walking out the front door. I followed closely behind him as he reached his car and I propped Saint on my hip.

"I mean what are you going to do when you find him?"

"What do you think?" He closed the trunk. "Is everything you need in the car?"

"Yes, but—" I waved away his abrupt change in subject and followed him back to the house. "I'm thinking that you're thinking about killing him," I said.

He grabbed a couple of things around the living room before walking out and meeting me on the porch. He took out his keys and locked the door with a sigh. "I'm not thinking about killing him," he said.

"Good. It'd be—"

"I am going to kill him," he clarified, turning away from me and jogging down the wooden steps. I looked at him in annoyance, not moving at all and he opened the passenger door. "You coming?"

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