28. 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑌𝑜𝑢

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May 6, 2023


I took in Queen's shocked face and grimaced at the thought of what must've been running through her mind. I could lie and tell her this was purely coincidental and I was just in the neighborhood, but that would be a white lie. Granted I heard that she would be at dinner with Aiden's parents...and granted I happened to know where they lived, but I wasn't here to crash some date.

I heard that Drake was in New York a few days ago and knowing how persistent he was to speak to me by any means necessary, I took some precautions. Along with a tracker on the car on a few of his and his workers' cars, I had men following him at all times. He was too unpredictable and knowing the people I loved were in the city, I wasn't keen on leaving him out of my sight. As big of a ruse he put up, there was no way him being in New York was by chance.

When I saw that he was here and I knew Queen was in the same place, I decided to come...only to make sure nothing happened to her. That's all.

"What are you doing here?" She mouthed behind Drake.

I ignored her and looked at Drake who was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at me. "I suppose it would be fair to assume that the security is dead if you're in here...correct?"

"I have more decorum than that," I scoffed, taking a drink off the tray of a server passing by. "They're in the bushes out back. They'll wake up...eventually."

"Oh wow," he replied sarcastically. "The growth."

I took a sip of the sweet drink, inwardly cringing as I kept my face and composure collected. If I were to act on my instincts, I'd rip Drake's head off for being so close to what belonged to me, but this wasn't Hell. The humans in here would go bat shit crazy, not to mention Queen would say something to further piss me off.

I could just imagine it already...'You're so impulsive, Aiden would never do this'. Well, obviously the fuck not. From the bullshit I'd seen in the media, the man had the patience of a saint and the calmness of a dilapidated bull.

"I've been trying to reach you," he said.

"I'm aware," I muttered before turning back to him. "Let's take this outside, yeah?"

He snickered. "Do you think I'm stupid? I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm staying right here in front of all of these people and most importantly...your girl. You wouldn't lay a finger on me, not here, not right now."

I sighed, shoving my free hand into my pocket. "I'm flattered by the amount of faith you have in me, but I have no problem with killing everyone in here if it means you die with them," I said, "With that being said, you don't have much of a choice now, do you? Either you and I leave, or everyone here...including you dies right now."

He loosened his tie, looking around nervously and I laughed to myself inwardly. There was no way he thought this through. "Wait, what the fuck?" Queen cursed lowly as she stepped up to me. "No one is dying, okay?"

I kept my eyes on Drake and sighed. "That's not really up to me, Princess." I glanced down at her briefly. "But your concern for the people here is quite touching."

"Touching enough for you to leave?" She pleaded.

"Mmm." I thought. "Nope."

"Fuck me," she whispered under her breath as she turned away from me. My eyes floated down the thin material of her dress and I tapped my finger against the glass.

"Don't tempt me."

She shot me an annoyed look over her shoulder and I looked back at Drake who was looking a bit too confident given the circumstances. "I'm not positive you're in the position to be making such demands, Syn."

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