34. 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑡

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May 8, 2023


I sat in boredom on the couch as a news channel played on the television in the background. Saint and I spent the day inside doing the bare minimum as I was too big of a pussy to go outside in the woods. I was strong enough to fight off any trouble out there if there was any, but that looming danger of Drake appearing wasn't what scared me. It was the forest itself.

Trees and trees going on for miles without rest would've seemed beautiful to most people, but I couldn't stand it. I liked looking in any direction and knowing where there was an exit, but in this place, I couldn't see or hear anything but the fucking trees and the things that reside among them.

You couldn't know what threat was lurking unless they were right in your face and trying to get inside the damn cabins with an ax.

"You've watched too many scary movies, Queen," I whispered to myself and took a few deep breaths. I reached for the remote and wrapped the blanket around myself as I flipped through the channels. When I stopped on one, I saw a masked figure watching a woman through her window. When the camera zoomed out, there was an aerial view of a secluded cabin and I almost sobbed in my spot.

I held a hand over my mouth as I glanced at all the points of entry around me and wondered if I had truly locked everything. Stewing in my doubt in myself, I did a full check once again and sat back down.

As soon as I began to relax more on the couch the sound of thunder outside made me jump. It was shortly followed by rain and I closed my eyes. Fuck. Relax. What made all of this worse was that even if I wanted to call Syn, I couldn't. He had my phone. If anything were to happen, I'd have to deal with it.

How'd I go from the Queen of Hell to a woman who was hiding out and shivering in this living room?

The sound of thunder made me jump once again, but it was accompanied by the lights around me flickering. After a few moments they returned but I was still left completely unsettled.

I sat back on the couch and laid a hand over my chest. Nothing was happening, I was just being dramatic. Stuff like this only happened in movies and no one besides Syn would come here tonight-


My eyes snapped to the front door and I immediately sat up. A powerful knock shortly followed it and I quietly stood up on my feet and slithered to the door. It couldn't be Syn. This was his place and I saw him take his keys with him.

I scurried to the door and looked through the peephole to see a tall man standing on the other side. His hair was soaked from the rain and his hands were buried in the pockets of his dark hoodie. "Who are you?" I asked.

At the sound of my voice, I watched as a slow Cheshire smile spread across his lips. "Who are you?"

"No. You're the intruder here. You don't ask the questions."

"From where I'm standing you're the intruder," he retorted, crossing his arms. "I'm looking for Syn."

"I don't know who that is," I lied, my voice wavering slightly at my nervousness.

"So you're squatting in a man's house and don't have the decency to learn his name?"

"Excuse me?" I said in shock. "A squatter?! Do I look like a squatter?"

"I can't really see you to answer that question, sweetheart." He smile remained on his face as he looked around once again. When he looked back at the door, his eyes immediately landed on the peephole and I jumped backward. "Open the door."

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