Chapter 45| New Lead

Start from the beginning

'Let's go then.' Wang Lei said as they both covered their mouth with the clothes and walked out. Huang Dewei followed him out for the first time he realised Wang Lei was not in his Emperor's clothing either. He quickly followed him as they climbed up the wall secretly and came out of the palace. They started walking right next to each other in complete silence as Huang dewei looked up and saw him wearing one of the hairpins he gifted him. He could not help and smile. When he thought of giving him a hairpin as a gift, he never imagined that he actually would wear those hairpins. As an Emperor,  they were ordinary according to his appearance and status. 

In the pin-drop silence, they quietly walked passed through the streets while walking towards their destination. In tranquillity, they walked past one street another and another then came out on the main road and entered the forest. Under the darkness of the sky, the forest looked more chilling and terrifying. The daunting atmosphere of the forest made a shiver go through Huang Dewei. He wonders where they were going. The coldness and horrifying darkness of the night could make even trees tremble in fear. 

They took a long narrow path filled with trees and grass and soon after a long tiring and drained journey they reached their destination. It was a small house in the middle of the woods. Under the bright moonlight, the unknown house-made Huang Dewei anxious and worried. There was a wooden door at the front of the house and the yellow light coming from the window was indicating that somebody was inside. 

Huang Dewei's brain was filled with various thoughts but he asked nothing as he followed seriously looking Wang Lei inside the house. They entered inside and saw Feng Zhi standing and waiting for them. They all greeted each other as  Feng Zhi started walking without a word. They both followed him as he took them into a room along far down the corridor. The room was empty and filled with darkness;  a small candle lit in the corner was providing light to the whole room. Huang Dewei looked around as his gaze fell on a man who was in his mid-thirties with a tall and healthy figure who was tied down on the chair in the middle of the room. The man looked up as he seem like he was already beaten poorly and Huang Dewei recognised that he was the Bolin man they were looking for.

'I beat him and tried getting out the truth from him but he is not saying anything.' Feng Zhi informed Wang Lei who nodded his head as he coldly stares at the man.

'I know nothing about who is killing those poor kids. I already told you how much I know about it.' Bolin screamed said in his defence while they all were staring at him. Wang Lei walked toward him and pulled his hair while he screamed in pain.

'You better tell us the truth because that will be good for you.' Wang Lei said ruthlessly and the man screamed in pain.

'Feng Zhi, go and get me hot boiling water...he wanted me to punish him.' Wang Lei ordered and Zhi Feng quickly nodded his head and walked out. Whereas Huang Dewei was a little taken aback by Wang Lei's heartless and cruel behaviour since he never saw him acting like this ever again. He was a man who had fought wars and battles and won them for Wang Dynasty so he knew how to torture his enemy or people but Huang Dewei still never had seen his this side. Huang Dewei was still shocked and stunned over realising how nasty and callous Wang Lei could be if he wanted to be, but he was only like this with the people who deserved it.

'Who are hell are you people? I already told you what I know. Spare me some mercy.' Bolin screamed as he begged for his mercy while Wang Lei was in no mood. Huang Dewei did not go and stopped him either because he knew Bolin could be the person who could help them reach the person who was killing these poor kids. To give justice to those kids' unfair death was more important than saving a man from torture...and to a man who might actually deserve all the pain and torment. 

'Are you kidnapping those kids?' Wang Lei asked as he slapped him across the face...once...twice...and thrice...

'Yes. I kidnap them and then sell them at a brothel to Madam Si. However, someone else is buying from her...she told me about some really rich mysterious man. He took those kids and after some days they always end up dead.' Bolin said telling them all the truth he knew in one breath but Wang Lei slapped him again and again making his face swallow up red when Feng Zhi came back with boiling water.

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