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Natasha POV

I giggled when I saw Malik's name flashing on my phone screen. He's been calling me non stop since I landed here in New York just this morning. Yes I came home since I needed to settle a few things. My work and of course my family.

I already informed them about my pregnancy but I really want to meet them since I will be staying in another part of the world. It would take a few days for them to meet me or perhaps I will be busy after my coronation.

When my family knows about what happened to me. My grandma almost made her way to the Saqr and demanded from Malik that she wants to kill that guy and family who took the plan on kidnapping me.

Good thing my dad was kind of chill that time. My grandfather said that he did all he can to convince my grandma just to let Malik handle the situation. I told her many times that here in Saqr they have different processes. I believe that Malik would do the right thing anyway. Knowing him, he will do his best to justify what happened to me.

"My goodness, that boyfriend of yours can't live without talking or when you're far away from him!" My sister Sofia commented as she looked at my phone.

"Yeah, can't blame him Sof. After what happened to me. He doesn't want me to be far away from him. If he is obsessed with having me near here before, he is more aggressive and obsessed now! I can't even walk to my bathroom without someone with me! Imagine that!" I said as I grimace when I remember how super CARING that guy is.

"Hahahaha, who told you to fall for a king?" My mom fired at me while her eyes danced with so much amusement. "I can't believe one of my daughters will be queen. Hahahaha... Out of the two of you, Sofia is far more tame and lacks wildness! You on the other hand are the exact opposite of your sister!" She said while laughing.

"Mom, you know I am tamable ok? I just don't like to be the boss around. I am independent on my own!" I whined.

"Independent my butt! How are you going to cook for your husband? Or children? For the love of frying pan, pans and the rest of cooking utensils I don't know what will happen to them if you step foot in the palace kitchen!" Sofia said and I am half way tempted to smack her as she keeps balling while laughing like crazy at me.

"That's not true!"

"Remember the last time you cooked here? Hahaha... Malik was even here! Good thing he witnessed it. I don't know what's got on his head. If I am him, I will run as fast as I can away from you after that. Hahahahah!" Sofia said this time I grabbed the throw pillow and smacked it to her.

"Ouch sis!"

"Ouch? How could you say that. Run away from me?"

"You can't take a joke now? Hahahaha... maybe it's the pregnancy! You are more hot headed and a stubborn pregnancy suited you!" She laughed and I swear I feel smoke coming from my head now.

"Just said that I am more beautiful and pretty!" I said to her,

"I am so happy honey. I am going to be a grandma again!" My mom said and I smiled.

"Your father was so happy when I told him that you are pregnant. Though he said that he will kill Malik once he sees him!"

"Oh no! Mom, we are getting married anyway. We just have things uncontrollable. But for the love of god, I am an adult woman mom!"

"Yeah don't worry your dad is not mad. He's just joking for sure!" My mom said,


"Yup! So tell us about your experience there? Is it good?"

"It's good! Actually mom, they have the sweetest and delicious ice cream there!"

"I am not talking about food. You know, in the palace. Did someone mistreat you there?"

"Hmmmm... His father at first did not approve of our union. He is cynical about our relationship since I am from Western country. Our relationship is against their values and customs and blah blah blah! But after the kidnapping incident I think he changed his perception of me or my relationship with his son!" I said to my mom.

"Yeah! It's expected that they will be against you. But I am happy that you stand on your ground and fight for the rights of that girl named Nana? Am I right?" My mom said

"Yeah! That's right her name is Nana. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met. Well one day you will meet her soon!"

"Yeah yeah! I am so excited for your wedding day! It's my first time travelling in a Middle east country. Though they said they have hot weather I don't mind. Let's explore there dear sister!" Sofia said and I laughed.

"Hahahah... I don't think Malik will like the idea. After what happened he never let me get out of the palace!"

"Huh? I thought you had bodyguards with you?"

"Yeah! But I don't like to have two or more. It's enough I have one already!"

"You know that won't work if you're going to be the queen. I think he is thinking about your safety only, honey!"

"Yeah but he's acting too much Mom. You don't know how he will try to follow me. If he can't then he will assign the bodyguards. Urg even inside the palace? Imagine that?"

"Hahahaha.. I thought Carter was crazy, now Malik breaks his record huh?" Sofia said.

"How come you are able to fly here?"

"Because I need to be here mom. You know my work and everything. I need to say a proper goodbye to my co-workers. I Don't think I want to leave the industry or the country without saying something to them!"

"So you won't be a model anymore?" My sister inquired.

"Duh! Obviously not anymore! The fact that I need to follow certain rules of being a queen. Obviously parading or having a photoshoot where areas of my body are exposed is not highly acceptable to their customs and values. I will be thrown out of the palace in no time!" I said humorly to them.

"Hahahah don't worry it won't happen. Malik is the luckiest guy alive for having you. Minus the cooking part of course!" Sofia said and wink at me.

"My goodness can't you let go of that?"

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