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Natasha POV

After the dilemma yesterday, thank goodness that my mom comes to her senses when she's halfway sober.

I can still picture her pacing back and forth into my living room while thinking what will she do? Or how she explained to my father what happened.

She called my dad sooner and here and there I witnessed how corny and cheesy my parents can be.

I swear I love them both so much but sometimes they are so over dramatic.

Turns out that the woman who's my dad's business partner is such a flirt, my dad's words came from his mouth. Mom was right after all. He said that he cut out the ties since he doesn't want my mom to get mad at him again.

He said that the woman keeps throwing herself to him. Good thing my dad is such a good and honest guy. He never nor accepted her invitation.

If I am going to see that bitch. I am going to balb her and put her in her place. How can she be so bitch when she knows that my dad is happily married.

My mom on the other hand keeps crying and telling him it's ok and just continues the partnership.

What the heck? Continues the partnership? When she knows that girl won't stop throwing herself to dad.

It's a good thing that my dad settled it and told her that he will not do nor continue anything that is related to that woman.

Good! Cause I am going to bald her for good! If mom can overlook this but not me. I won't let anyone hurt my Mom. If mom won't settle it then I gladly take the fight from her. I am very much willing to do a cat fight if it's intended for my loved one's.

A ring on my own phone bringing me back from my reverie. I almost jumped at the sudden sound of my ringtone. I didn't bother to look for the caller and drag my phone on my ears.


"Love?" A familiar voice from the other side. And I hate to admit it but I am missing this guy after spending a couple of days in his country.

"Why are you calling me? Don't you have any responsibilities to attend to?" I asked him right away.

"Nah, I've been calling you since you 're out of yeh country! Why can't my call reach you?"

"Because I've been a busy moron!"

"Love, seriously you're the only person that can call me that. But seriously though what happened? It's been how many days since I heard your beautiful voice!"

I shiver from the sound of his voice. My heart can't stop pounding like an idiot. After spending time with those lovesick love birds I think I became one of them now. But I can never admit it to anyone, especially to this guy.

"Hahaha very funny Malik!"

"Love, I am not joking!"

"Yeah! You're super serious!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on! So what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just basically laying down. In one word I am resting. I just got entangled by my family drama. Thankfully it's ok now!"

"What happened?"

"Nothing! What about you?"

"Hmmm.. I miss you my love! When are you coming back?"

"Huh? Why would I come back there?"

"Love, my dad will step down from his throne. And the proclamation will be next week. I don't want to be kind without you witnessing it. I want you here so I can announce to the world who's going to be my queen!"

"Hahaha . Why would I be there? You already have your queen. I don't think!"

"Love if you're referring to another woman please, it's pretty obvious I am talking about you!

"Malik, you know we can't be together!"

"Huh? Are there any rules for that?

"Idiot! Your country won't like me to be your queen. Especially after our little incident. I don't think they will like the idea that their prince has a scandal with me and you want me to be a queen!"

"So? What's wrong with that?'

"Dummy! You can't! You need someone like you. Someone who's same beliefs and culture. I don't think I fit with all of those categories!"

"Does it have to be a category for being my queen? I don't care what others say. You are my queen and that's final!"

"Malik, you can't say something like that. We both know we are just fake dating anyway!" I said as I tried to calm down the beating of my heart. Stupid stupid heart! It's not like I never heard those words before from another guy. But in him I think my heart went crazy.

"Fake? You think I am faking right now? Does my kiss to you feel fake? We both know the truth. You like me and so do I!" He said and I can't help but gasp at his unexpected confession.

" Don't say something like that! You can't say things like that!" I said as I can't even understand what I am saying right now.

"Natasha, you know for the moment I laid my eyes on you, I know you felt it. I still remember the first time I saw you but it was like yesterday. When you save me from the bully and tell them to get lost. It's the first time I saw a girl like that. I told myself that one day she will be with me because she meant to be in a special place. So don't ever say, don't say something like that. I like you damn much even though I love you more than words itself!" He said and my traitor eyes decided to do unexpected things. My eyes turn blurry and slowly I can feel my tears fall down. I tried to surpass my emotion for so long because I didn't want him to know about it.

"So please, let me love you and only you. Don't think about those things, especially those things that surround me. I will fight for us. You don't have to do anything. I can manage that. All you have to do is to support me and love me back!" He said and I can't stop myself from crying anymore.

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