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Natasha POV

I was in the middle of getting ready for the banquet. It's almost time actually and here I am still in front of my mirror doing my makeup.

Actually it would be faster if I accepted Malik's offer to have a maid to do it for me. But as stubborn as I am I preferred to do it by myself hence now I am still in the middle.

I curl my hair lightly so it adds more volume and bounce. I used to do my makeup ever since I was a teenager. I love to collect Dior or Chanel makeup sets.

"Lady Natasha, I can help you with your clothes!" My maid said her name is Nana.

"It's ok Nana, don't worry I can manage!" I said as I smiled at her.

"But! I am sent here to help and assist you lady Natasha! I don't think Prince Malik would be happy knowing that I don't help you with a single preparation!" She said in worry.

"No need to worry! If Malik would ask I will tell him that it's you who made everything! So it's our little secret!" I said to her in a wink.

"But my lady we can't simply lie to your majesty like that. We will be imprisoned or worse beheaded!" She said with a worrying tone.

"Nah, don't worry he won't do such a thing!" I said, shaking my head.

"My lady, Prince Malik may seem very different showing his attitude to you but I swear he is a man of his words. He won't let anyone lie to him valiantly like that! It's one of the prime rules of the country. Never lie to the monarchy family!" She said, trembling in fear.

"Ok ok come on help me!" I said as I finally surrendered to her. She looked at me relieved and happy.

After that, the preparation ran smoothly. Then Nana escorted me down to the hall where the banquet was held.

I was immediately met with Malik stares and also Omar who looked stunned at me. They both came to me.

"Just as I expected, you look so beautiful in my country's traditional dress!" Malik said as he wrapped his arms around me. I pushed him slightly but he whispered into my ears. " Don't my father look at us now!" He whispered. So I return the gesture and hug him.

"Let's go, I want to introduce you to my father!" He said and clasped my hand with him.

I looked around and I saw people staring at us. More on looking at our joint hands.

Just then I saw an old version of Malik, seated at the corner looking at everyone. His eyes landed on me and stared at me before smiling at me. The woman on his side on the other hand, stared at me like if looks can kill I already might be buried down six feet below.

"Father, I want to introduce to you my girlfriend, Natasha Rogers!" Malik said. Because I don't know their traditional way. I bow myself slightly respect to him.

"Good evening you highness!" I said to him,

"Glad you made it here Lady Natasha!" He said to me,

"And this is Maliya!" Malik said as he introduced me to the woman sitting beside his father.

After that, his father asked me a few things. Like how we met and how long our relationship lasted. He even asked me what kind of job I have and what my parents are like. So I answered him all honestly.

To be honest, I don't like him and that woman beside him. Good thing we didn't spend too long there or I don't know what kind of things I might have blurted out.

"You don't quite like my father huh?" Malik said, sitting beside me.

"No! I don't like his scrutinising states!" I said.

"Don't worry about love, he's just like that. Though I can tell you frankly that he doesn't approved because you are western girl"

"Tsk! Why did you choose me in the first place?"

"Nah... I'll choose you over and over again!" He wink at me then put a slight kiss on my cheeks. I swear this guy is getting advantage of the situation we have right now.

"Stop kissing me you idiot!" I hissed at him.

Then I looked around and I saw a few couples dancing. I can't quite familiar with the dance though. So I just stared at the dance floor.

"Wanna dance?" Malik asked me and I narrowed my eyes on him.

"I don't even know what kind of dance thye have!" I muttered.

"Come I'll teach you!"

"Thanks but no thanks! I prefer seating here!"

"Oh but...!" Before he could finish his sentence Omar went beside us and said something.

"You majesty your father called you!" Omar said and Malik looked at me.


"Your majesty, your father, said he wants to talk to you alone!" Omar said once again.

"Go, I'll be ok here!" I said to him as he contemplated going.


"Just go, I will just talk to Nana!"

"Are you sure?" He asked worrily

"Of course! It's not like I am a child, Malik. Come on, go to your father. He might want to talk to you about important things!" I said to him,

"Fine!" Then he looked at Nana whose seating at the corner called her over.

"Take care of her! I will be back just wait!"

"Just go!" I said.

"Don't talk to anyone nor go with them!" He whispered to me and raised my eyebrows.

"Why would I do that? I don't know a single person here!"

"Yeah! But look at you and looked at the people around you they are looking at you because you are ghe most beautiful girl here!"

"God! Your flattery won't take you nowhere. Just go already, your father will get mad at you for making him wait too long!"

"Fine! I'll be back in love!" He said and kissed me once again.

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