Chapter 43| Deep Conversation

Start from the beginning

'I will clean you up.' Wang Lei said as he walked towards the attached bathroom and came back with clean water in another bowl and a clean cloth. He dripped in the clothes and started cleaning his face and body. Huang Dewei sat as he saw him gently cleaning him. Tears even flew more from Huang Dewei's eyes because he realised he did have a reason to tolerate all of that shit. It was him...It was Wang Lei...the reason for Huang Dewei to stay here was only him. If he would take care of him like this then it probably won't be as hard living in the palace.

'Was that Chen Ju? I need to talk to her...she is crossing her limit.' Wang Lei said as he carefully cleaned off paint from his face and shoulder. His expression was cold clearly showing he was angry with Chen Ju. Huang Dewei said nothing in response as Wang Lei looked at him and met his red eyes. 

'Don't cry...' Wang Lei said lovingly as softly cleaned off his tears. 

'If she did that to you then you should do it back with her. You know you will be having equal status as her...don't be scared of her.' Wang Lei said as he advised him. Wang Lei knew he was brave but he wanted him to be strong enough to stand up in front of miserable and awful people. He was too nice and kind for the ruthless people of the palace. 

'But she is your best friend.' Huang Dewei replied

'That does not mean she can act like this with you.' Wang Lei said as he tenderly touched his cheek.

'Your hair is all ruin too...come to the bathroom with me and I will wash off your hair.' Wang Lei offered as he put away the bowl and cloth while Huang Dewei shook away his head

'No, I am fine...I will do it myself.' Huang Dewei said as he got up.

'No...I will do it.' Wang Lei said ignoring his plead as he pulled him with him to the bathroom and made him sit down in the bathtub. Wang Lei sat down right behind him as he opened the water and started washing up his hair. Huang Dewei sat still staring at him who was working for him like he was not an Emperor of the Wang Dynasty.

'You know, you could have sent a maid to clean up?' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei looked towards him as he shook away his head

'No, I can do it. What's the issue if I will do it?' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei said nothing in response as he closed away his eyes. Wang Lei washed his hair making them all clean and shiny while Wang Lei looked at his pretty-looking face. 

Wang Lei knew he was under a lot of stress. By making him his concubine, did he unknowingly make his life even harder? Even if he knew that he make his life hard, Wang Lei still wanted to be selfish. He wanted him to stay by his side forever so he wanted him to become his concubine. That was the only way he can stay with him forever without people having gossip regarding their relationship. People in the palace would give him a tough time since he was different from them and came from a lower poor background unlike others, but Wang Lei hopes that he will slowly learn to adjust and adapt to the harsh life of the palace. 

As he finished washing his hair, he pick him up in bridal style and walked him back inside the room. He made him sit down on the bed and then found a cloth as he dye down his hair. In all this process, Huang Dewei just sat and let him do whatever he was doing. He was too tired and worn out to argue about anything. 

'You don't have to think too much about what your parents ask or demand. It is not a big deal.' Wang Lei said starting the conversation and Huang Dewei looked up at him. 

'People will gossip about it.' Huang Dewei replied concerned and distressed. 

'I am well aware how much you hate gossip, but you overthink as well.' Wang Lei said as he told him how much he overthinks what others want and thinks. He was an overthinker and make scenarios in his head worse than they actually are. He thinks about small things like they are equal to mountains and in all that process he only made himself drained and worried. 

'I don't want you to think that I wanted to use you like anyone else.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei could help and smile

'I know that already that you have no intention of using me.' Wang Lei said as he gave him confidence that he knew about his intentions and he won't think that Huang Dewei wanted to use him.

'But I feel embarrassed and ashamed.' Huang Dewei confessed

'Don't feel all these useless emotions. It is my family members who keep hurting you as well. I should be one feeling embarrassed and ashamed on behalf of my family.' Wang Lei said as he walked towards his wardrobe and came back with a new robe. Huang Dewei stood up while he made him wear the new robe. 

'Well, that's true. They say a lot of bad things to me.' Huang Dewei said as he sadly sighed and Wang Lei tied down his robe and looked up at him.

'Don't overthink...I believed your parents asked for everything that they should have asked. My family just love hating on you since they think you are an easy target.' Wang Lei said as Huang Dewei nodded his head. 

'And don't waste your tears on other people...they don't worth it.' Wang Lei said as he touched his cheek with fondness and Huang Dewei looked toward him.

'And you need to toughen up Huang Dewei. That is just the beginning. The palace life is competition and you are just starting it. Get used to dealing with all those people and learn how to give them back their own medicine. You start your classes to become a concubine tomorrow and you will see how much more you need to do and learn.' Wang Lei said softly as they stares at each other and Huang Dewei nodded his head.

'But I will have you by my side, right?' Huang Dewei asked and Wang Lei nodded his head as a smile crept up on his lips. 

'Can't you see my hair right now? Do you need even more proof?' Wang Lei said as he pointed toward his short hair and Huang Dewei started smiling. He moved and touched his hair. He was right that was his proof that he will always be standing next to him otherwise Emperor with the short hair was embarrassment. People, in general, should have long hair which is a sign of honour, respect, piety and virility and the Emperor should definitely always keep his hair long as an example to his nation. Wang Lei cutting his hair for him was a huge deal and Huang Dewei never said but it acknowledged his sacrifice.

'I understand.' Huang Dewei said

'Good boy.' Wang Lei said as he patted his hair Huang Dewei smiled and Wang Lei smiled back in response.

'Shall we sleep then?' Wang Lei said

'You are sleeping too much here, your Majesty. You should go back to your chamber.' Huang Dewei said as he reminded him that he should go back to his own room. 

'Are you rejecting me?' Wang Lei said as he pouted like a kid. Huang Dewei was surprised. He can never get used to Wang Lei acting like this to him. He seems like a completely different person when it is only them. The others will not believe that he acts like this with Huang Dewei. 

'Yes, go back to your chamber.'

'But I can't sleep without your presence anymore.' Wang Lei confessed and Huang Dewei turned toward him and sighed

'But people will gossip...' Huang Dewei was saying and then he stopped in mid and looked up towards him who was looking towards him as he raised his eyebrow at his comment. He gave him a huge lecture that he need to care less about the gossip and he was already back on the same track

'Fine, you can sleep here.' Huang Dewei said and without wasting a second, Wang Lei jumped into his bed and he pulled Huang Dewei with him as they fell on the bed. He turned off the light and put them in the blankets as they hugged each other.

'Good night, Weiwei.' Wang Lei said as he said good night

'Good night, Wang Lei.' Huang Dewei said as he took his name

'Don't take my name, Weiwei. It turns me on and I am under promise to control myself.' Wang Lei confessed as he tighten his grip and Huang Dewei just smile hearing those words, but said nothing. He liked those words...He liked what Wang Lei said... but in response, he could not tell him that he liked hearing these words from his mouth. He felt shy. He had no idea but he always felt a little shy around him like a high school girl doing it in front of her crush. Wang Lei did not wait for his response either while closed their eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.

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