Spoiled Little Brat

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"You think that counts? I had to practically pry your arm away from your book to get you to pay any attention to me," Yelena dramatically expressed, and Natasha just stared at her. She then rolled her eyes.

"And I'm about to go back to my book if you keep being a little turd about it," Natasha replied. If Yelena was actually being serious about the situation, she would have been far more sympathetic, but she knew that Yelena was just trying to aggravate her at this point. She was not sure where this was going, but she knew Yelena was going to increase the dramatics if she could.

Yelena gasped in shock, placing a hand over her heart.

"You don't love me anymore... I knew it," Yelena declared with false injury in her voice, and Natasha suddenly felt a stab of pain despite the fact that she knew Yelena was just kidding. It hurt her to hear those words even in jest.

"You know I adore you," Natasha told her softly, unable to entirely keep up with the game any longer. Yelena's eyes softened, and Natasha knew that Yelena was aware of that fact. However, Yelena then smirked, slipping out from underneath Natasha's arm and laying down on the couch.

"Okay, then. Prove it. Rub my feet for me," Yelena demanded as she moved her sock-covered foot into Natasha's face.

Natasha immediately withdrew, trying her best to avoid the disgusting, very stinky foot that was being so crudely stuffed into her face. Yelena smirked just a little before covering the expression with a fake pout. Natasha took hold of Yelena's calf, moving her foot down and away from her face. She adored Yelena, but her feelings about Yelena's feet were an entirely different story.

Of course, she would end up rubbing Yelena's feet anyway. She just did not want to have to deal with the socks covering her feet that looked almost like some manner of rot that Yelena had picked up in a landfill.

"Not until you remove those things."

"You mean the socks?" Yelena questioned, starting to raise her foot up again. Natasha moved her head back, trying to avoid the appendage as she kept a firm hold on Yelena's leg above the sock.

"Those aren't socks. Those are gremlins that have devoured your feet whole," Natasha retorted, trying not to breathe too deeply through her mouth or nose as she angled her head away.

"That is no way to talk about my socks," Yelena haughtily proclaimed, still fighting Natasha's grasp as she moved her foot closer to Natasha's nose. Natasha kept moving further back as she tightened her grip on her.

"Yelena, seriously. Those things are so dirty that they'll stand up on their own when you take them off," Natasha acknowledged, trying her best to control her stomach as she felt it lurching finally. Yelena scoffed before suddenly smirking widely.

"They aren't that bad... Here, smell," Yelena declared, suddenly pushing upward with all of her strength. Natasha then got a face-full of foot stink, and she gagged, moving over to the side as she tried to keep the contents of her stomach in their proper location.

Yelena cackled wickedly, but Natasha did note that the girl moved her foot away and let it rest on Natasha's lap as she watched her.

Once Natasha finally managed to get ahold of herself, she let out a deep breath.

"So... You going to rub my feet?" Yelena questioned finally, and Natasha narrowed her eyes as she looked over at the turd laid across the couch. Natasha glared at her silently, feeling an overwhelming desire to get revenge starting to come over her regardless of her guilt that Yelena had accidentally inspired earlier.

Yelena seemed to detect this growing need for retribution as well. She quickly removed her feet from Natasha's lap, watching her carefully as she remained quiet and her smirk faded just a little.

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