Chapter 36| Shining Armour

Start from the beginning

'Well, let's go from here and I will take you to the save place.' Feng Zhi said as he moved and picked up Huang Dewei. Huang Dewei was shocked

'What are you doing?'

'You are too weak...if you will walk you will just slow us down so don't stress and relax. You can trust me.' Feng Zhi explained in response and Huang Dewei thought for a while as he nodded his head.

'Well if Wang Lei trust you then I definitely can too.' Huang Dewei said and Feng Zhi surprised looked at him '...Why you are surprised?' Huang Dewei asked as he saw him surprised.

'He let you call him by his name.' Feng Zhi said and Huang Dewei's eyes widen on realisation and he bite his lips on his stupidity again.

'Sometimes...' Huang Dewei whispered replied in embarrassment. Feng Zhi sighed and started walking.

'You should stop biting your lips...that is a very sensual act and you need to stop.' Feng Zhi said as he felt his heart beating rapidly inside him. Since the time, he went on the mission given by Wang Lei, he definitely misses Huang Dewei which was surprising at first but then he accepted that he probably has a crush on him.

'Yeah, his Majesty warned me many times as well...he said he would start punishing me if I won't stop...' Huang Dewei said as he laugh innocently and Feng Zhi looked at him.  The way he was laughing, Feng Zhi did not take long to understand that Huang Dewei had no idea what punishment Wang Lei probably was talking about.

'You did not get what type of punishment he was talking about, is not? I am not sure whether you are too naive or plain dumb.' Feng Zhi replied back and Huang Dewei frowned at his response.

'I am not dumb...I understand his meaning...he would probably punish me to wash horse ranch, clean up or maybe standing outside under any weather...what else he can give me? I don't think he would beat me or hurt me, right?' Huang Dewei explained as he asked about his concerns. He looked deep into his thoughts.

'No, he would not beat or hurt you...but he would not make you clean ranch, cleaning up in that kind of punishment either.' Feng Zhi responded 

'Then what would he do?' Huang Dewei asked curiously and  Feng Zhi was surprised by that man's dumbness about romance. He was outstanding at sword fighting, but his romance department was not so great.

'How about you wait and he will let you know... For now, let's just be quiet and go back.' Feng Zhi said and Huang Dewei pouted but then he just nodded his head and looked away. The rest of the walk was in complete silence as they reached a small place in the middle of the forest. They entered the house and Feng Zhi put him down on the bed inside the small room. It was a beautiful small place with everything available.

'I will send a doctor for you. He will treat your wounds. Eat food and get healthy while I will go back to the palace and you hide here...we have to wait till Wang Lei is woken up.' Feng Zhi said and Huang Dewei nodded his head but asked nothing. Feng Zhi looked at his miserable condition and then towards his short hair as he spoke up

'Who did that to your hair?' Feng Zhi asked

'Don't ask...I am already feeling embarrassed about it.' Huang Dewei replied.

'The news spread about what happened with you everywhere ...I also heard you soon will be Wang Lei's concubine?' Feng Zhi asked and Huang Dewei sighed as he answered him.

'I don't think people will let that happen anyway.'

'Don't worry if Wang Lei had decided to do something then it will happen.' Feng Zhi said in a confident tone and Huang Dewei looked toward him and sighed

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