Chapter 166 - Dreams (2)

Start from the beginning

"Every night when he goes to sleep, he would have the same dream of seeing his mother and..." He trailed off. Fluffy patiently waited for the additional information.

"And his twin brother, Silas." With wide eyes, Fluffy took in a deep breath.

A twin brother.

It was big news even for the dead fairy who now ruled an entire kingdom.

The white-haired king who was a genius in war tactics, who was feared by countless enemies, and who possessed a godlike beauty had a twin brother?

"Silas... I see, the name you were looking for," Fluffy lowered his head while contemplating the scenario.

Ciaran could find any person in the shortest amount of time. Whether it'd be dead or alive, he can locate their places through his shadows and the dead spirits that roamed the earth.

Yet he cannot find the man named Silas.

"Maybe he changed his name, master?" Fluffy tried to reason out why Ciaran could not find Silas.

Every record in Taron's library had been checked by the dead fairy who specialized in working in the temples and managing the records of ancient kingdoms.

"One cannot legally change their name unless they turn of age. If Silas had been born in Taron, his name would be listed in the records in the past years before it changed," Ciaran took in another inhale of the toxic smoke.

He's a vampire and a lycanthrope that cannot easily get sick unlike humans does anyway.

"We also searched for other kingdoms. Heron does not have the name Silas written on its records. I apologize, master," Fluffy spoke wherein Ciaran simply nodded his head.

He did not want to see Pier in distress. Aside from the fact that it always upsets Pier, Ciaran does not want to see the frustrated look on his lover's face every time they wake up.

Slowly, black smoke appeared from his feet until it started to cover him.

"Continue searching the records of other territories you can get into and report back to me immediately," he left the commands to the dead fairy before disappearing.


Black smoke appeared in the room and then, a man wearing an all-black attire appeared. Ciaran's gaze immediately drifted to the slumbering person on the bed.

His gaze softened as his body wanted to be beside the young king.

Taking large strides towards the bed, Ciaran smiled gently when he saw Pier's peacefully sleeping face.

Technically if he were to evaluate it, the dream does not cause any fear or anxiety towards Pier but the ones who were involved in it.

Silas was an unnamed man that always appeared in visions that he cannot comprehend.

It was as if Pier had been taken into the past while he slept.

The bed's edge dipped when the vampire king sat on it. His hands darted towards Pier's hair and he started caressing the young king's head.

It had almost been a year now since they first met.

Unfortunate series of events that happened to them respectively led them together in a rollercoaster ride of emotions. They laughed, fought, and cried. But the most important thing of all is that;

They learned how to love.

Ciaran who grew up without the guidance of his parents and was given the burden of a thousand at the age of three never knew how to appreciate things.

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