Chapter 30| Best Flower

Depuis le début

'You really can be petty, Huang Dewei.' Wang Lei said as he stood up because he knew he was doing it because he said those words when he gave flower to Xin Ying. Huang Dewei said nothing and looked away still angry. Wang Lei sighed then got up and walked out. Huang Dewei looked at the door which was closed behind as he left and he was also surprised by Wang Lei's obedience to his order. He patiently waited as Wang Lei came back in fifteen minutes with a flower. It was indeed beautiful flowers and he presented it to Huang Dewei.

'I don't like it...go back again.' Huang Dewei said as he put the flower in the drawer and Wang Lei sighed but without a word, he went back again. He came back with another flower and present it to Huang Dewei.

'Again..' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei closed his eyes to keep himself calm and went away again. He came back again with a flower and Huang Dewei without looking at it rejected it


'You don't want a flower, is not? You just want to punish me.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei looked toward him but said nothing

'Did you already give up?' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei shook away his head and walked away again. He came rejected....went again...rejected again....and came back again. That was Wang Lei's tenth time he came back with a flower tiredly and exhausted and Huang Dewei finally felt some pity for him. He holds of flower and put it in his hair.

'I like that one.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei sighed then sat down

'But that is not the best one.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei looked at him confused while he took out a flower from his hair and then took out another flower from the inside pocket of his robe. He put that flower in his hair as he spoke up

'I pick up that from the bin your throw it away...This one is best because it is the symbol and witness of memory of our last night together.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei actually felt soft and warm from his words.

'You pick it up?' Huang Dewei asked surprised and Wang Lei smiled

'Why would not pick it up? It is important to me...everything to do with you is important to me.' Wang Lei confessed and Huang Dewei's heart melted

'Then you should have given me before when I ask you to get the best flower for me.' Huang Dewei asked

'I wanted you to take your anger out on me since I was the reason for it.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei felt his heart melt. He would be such a great lover. Huang Dewei thought as he sadly sighed thinking he would never be that without realising that even at this moment he was acting like his lover. Wang Lei said nothing in response as he got hold of the food again and put a spoon in front of his mouth

'Now open your mouth and eat.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei opened his mouth and ate his food. He finished the food and Wang Lei put away the empty dishes then he got off his hand.

'I will clean your wound now.' Wang Lei said as he took off his bandage and cleaned off his hand for previous germs and blood then put new medicine on it. Huang Dewei just sat there in complete silence as Wang Lei's gaze stares at the wound on his hand which mark probably going to last forever now...and he was the reason for it...Wang Lei thought as he softly touched his wounds and Huang Dewei hissed in pain.

'I apologised.' Wang Lei quickly apologised then put a new bandage back on his hand as Huang Dewei looked towards him and spoke up

'What happens with the kid's medical report your read, your Majesty?' On Huang Dewei's question, Wang Lei snapped his head towards him as he spoke up

'There was nothing much except they all die in the same way...nothing much I found on them.' Wang Lei replied and Huang Dewei nodded his head

'Have Feng Zhi found the person you were looking for?' Huang Dewei asked the next question and Wang Lei shook away his head

'I heard nothing from him yet...he is still investigating.' Wang Lei replied and Huang Dewei nodded his head as silence took place between them.

'You should rest now...I will be going.' Wang Lei said as he stood up but Huang Dewei quickly hold onto his robe and stopped him

'Don't go and stay here with me.' Huang Dewei whispered said and Wang Lei looked back at him.

'People will gossip more about us...remember what happened last time when I stayed here a night. Will you be fine?' Wang Lei said as he reminded him and Huang Dewei thought for a while then nodded his head.

'Just sleep here...let people gossip.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei sighed then nodded his head. He blew off the candle lights leaving only one on then went and laid down on the bed next to him as Huang Dewei leid down next to him. There was complete silence as Huang Dewei looked toward him whose eyes were closed. He touched his hair softly as he broke the silence

'Why you did do what you did?' Huang Dewei asked as he played with his hair and Wang Lei opened his eyes and looked at him

'Just go to sleep.' Wang Lei replied back and Huang Dewei sighed disappointedly.

'You are not going to tell me. Why? Do I have no right to know?'

'Huang Dewei, let go of that topic. Just listen to me for once please.' Wang Lei said as he pleaded with him and Huauang Dewei sighed and decided to let off this topic for now as he moved and touched the bite mark on his lips. Wang Lei moved as he pulled him into his arms.

'Let's just go to sleep. I am tired.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei nodded his head as he hugged him then laid his head over his chest and closed his eyes when he felt him blowing on his ear. Huang Dewei's eyes flew open as he felt butterflies in his stomach and he looked up at him

'What are you doing?'

'You should have called my name.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei puzzled looked at him.

'Why?' Huang Dewei but Wang Lei just stares at him. He can't tell him that he wanted to replace Huang Dewei's memory with Xin Ying with his memory so next time whenever he blew he would call his name instead of someone else even when he is in his half-unconscious state.

'Just call my name.' Wang Lei said as he softly blew over his ear again but Huang Dewei said nothing. Wang Lei blew again and he said nothing but instead put a hand over his mouth to stop him from blowing.

'Don't do reminds me of someone else.' Huang Dewei confessed and Wang Lei looked toward him but said nothing. He knew who he probably was talking about and who he remembered. He just nodded his head downheartedly and looked away while Huang Dewei sighed as he shook away thoughts of Xin Ying. The memories with Xin Ying were beautiful but they were just memories for Huang Dewei now.

'You should create a new one as your reminder.' Huang Dewei said after a few seconds and Wang Lei snapped his head towards him who was staring back and then he pulled him towards him and then licked his ear softly. Huang Dewei's eyes widen as he felt sensation all over his body and he tightly got hold of Wang Lei's shoulder. Wang Lei waited for him to call his name out hence when he did not Wang Lei whispered disappointedly

'Is this not good enough?'

'Do it again...' Huang Dewei responded and Wang Lei was surprised but then he licked his ear again as Huang Dewei closed his eyes

'Wang Lei...' Huang Dewei whispered his name and a smile played on Wang Lei's face. He was finally satisfied as he licked his ear and heard him whispering his name

'Wang Lei...' It was exotic hearing him say his name in pure was blissful and sensual...Wang Lei felt happy when he pulled away and met Huang Dewei's eyes

'What about me then?' Huang Dewei said then moved and bite Wang Lei's neck. Wang Lei's eyes widen as he screamed in pain and quickly pulled Huang Dewei away.

'Why you are so aggressive, Huang Dewei? Why do you keep biting me anywhere you wanted to?' Wang Lei complained as he touched his neck which had a bite mark there as well now. Huang Dewei was suddenly embarrassed about his behaviour. Huang Dewei's love language was biting his lover but he realised they were not lovers and he should not be doing this to him neither he can tell him why he keeps biting him like this. He turned red with shyness as he spoke up.

'My apologies, I got excited.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei just nodded his head.

'Let's go to sleep.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei nodded his head as he lay in his arms and they both closed their eyes and fell into sleep.

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