'Did you do it for him? Is it because Huizhongi wanted to have him in return?' Wang Wei screamed asked as he angrily started pacing and Huang Dewei stood there. Was it really because of him? Did Wang Lei got slapped by his father because of him? Huang Dewei thoughts 

'What is your relationship with him? I mean if you fucking him then that's good but you can get someone better if you want. What's in him that you could not give him to Huizhongi as a sex toy?' Wang Wei screamed asked as he glared at Huang Dewei and then at Wang Lei. Huang Dewei embarrassed looked down again at Wang Wei's humiliating and strong words. 

'There is nothing between us...I did not give him because he does not consent to be his sex toy.' Wang Lei replied and Wang Wei sarcastically smile

'Are you kidding me? Who ask from these slaves if they wanted to be sex toys. They do as we say them.' Wang Wei screamed 

'Well, I ask them.' Wang Lei replied without hesitation and Wang Wei glared at him.

'You really live in your fantasy world, is not?' Wang Wei screamed and Wang Lei said nothing in response which made his father angrier. Wang Wei looked at his father and he walked to slap him again to take his anger off some but this time someone rushed towards them and Wang Wei felt a sword over his throat before he could slap Wang Lei. 

'You should not think of doing it a second time because otherwise, I will kill you.' Huang Dewei said while putting the sword over his neck while Wang Lei and Wang Wei, both were shocked looking at him.

'Have you lost your mind? Do you any idea what are you saying and to who?' Wang Wei screamed with a rageful tone over the absurd situation

'My duty is to protect your Majesty from any danger even if it comes from you.' Huang Dewei said in a calm confident serious tone while they were astonished and amazed over his courage in front of Wang Wei. 

'Move away.' Wang Wei ordered out to Huang Dewei who stayed still in his place not even moving an inch away.

'I only take orders from his Majesty.' Huang Dewei replied while his sword was still over Wang Wei's neck keeping him in his place while Wang Lei was dumbfounded staring at him. He was messing with his father without a fear. He was still keeping a high position and power in Wang Dynasty as a former King of the nation yet he was standing like a wall between them protecting him. From his strong dedication and stubbornness, even Wang Wei was taken aback and felt frustrated. 

'Tell him to move away from between us unless he wants to take a beating on your place.' Wang Wei screamed as Wang Lei looked at his father as he spoke up

'Huang Dewei, move away.' Wang Lei ordered him and Huang Dewei looked at him and then he hesitated, but he moved away. Wang Wei moved and slapped Wang Lei across the face to take his anger off and Huang Dewei clenches his fist and bites his lips in anger. Huang Dewei's reaction was not hidden from Wang Lei who was surprised by his reaction. He was ready to kill his father and the anger he saw in his eyes he never saw in anybody else ever when he got hit not even in his mother's eyes. His father was not an extremely violent person, however, in his childhood if he really made him angry he would get a few slaps or a beat. His mother used to cry and looked at Wang Lei with pity and sympathy but never said anything to Wang Wei. She never looked at his father with anger to the point she would want to kill Wang Wei.

'My decision won't change so you can slap me as much you want to.' Wang Lei said not backing down and Wang Wei angrily sighed then looked towards Huang Dewei

'Shall I hit him on your place? It might make some difference to you then.' Wang Wei said while looking at Huang Dewei who was biting his lips fuming with anger as he was trying to keep his calm. His reaction surprised and even slightly scared Wang Wei. He looked like a psycho right now who would kill anyone for Wang Lei without caring about the consequences. He was not sure about the relationship between both of them, but Wang Wei could definitely tell that his all loyalty was with Wang Lei. 

'You should not try unless you wanted to repeat what happens when you hit my mother in front of me.' Wang Lei said he threaten his father who was stunned over his reminder. When Wang Lei was Fifteen, his father hit his mother in front of Wang Lei and he lost his mind. He almost killed his father. His father was actually scared of him at that time and then he never tried to hit his mother in front of him ever again. Maybe he hit Wang Lei a few times after that and he always take the beat without a word, but he did realise that his son can be a scary man when he wanted to be. Huang Dewei had no idea what he meant by this but his father backed down by his statement.

'You should focus on giving us a new Emperor, but you still have not been able to do it instead of making these stupid decisions.' Wang Wei said and walked out while leaving them in awkward silence. Huang Dewei looked at him and wanted to ask how he was feeling when he heard Wang Lei

'Go to the library for me and get a book called 'Under the Love Tree' for me.' Wang Lei ordered him as he looked away. He walked and stopped in front of the window. He did not need any book, but he felt ashamed in front of him, so he wanted him to go away and spend some time alone.

'Do you want me to kill him?' Huang Dewei asked instead of giving a response to his order and Wang Lei snapped his head towards him


'If you want me to then I can kill him for you? Has he been hurting you for a long time? Just order me and I will kill him.' Huang Dewei said in a serious tone and Wang Lei was taken back.

'You are talking about killing my father.' Wang Lei asked to confirm like he could not believe his ears

'Yes, I can if he hurt you and you wanted me to kill him.' Huang Dewei responded without hesitation and Wang Lei was just shocked stares at him. He was actually the only one that matter to him. Wang Lei thought as a curious question got inside his brain.

'Can you kill my wife for me?' Wang Lei asked just to see his response


'Will you kill Xin Ying for me then? Wang Lei repeated while carefully looking at his expression which was still cold and emotionless even on the mention of Xin Ying. He can't kill her so easily since she was his first love and always will be. He would always have a soft spot for her. Wang Lei's thoughts as they were looking at each other. 

'If she hurts you then yes.' Huang Dewei responded and Wang Lei astonished stared at him while he genuinely seem serious with his response.

'You would really choose me over her.' Wang Lei whispered more to himself while referring to their last night's conversation about choosing between him and Xin Ying which Huang Dewei had no idea about.

'What?' Huang Dewei said confused as he did not hear what he just had said. 

'Nothing, I don't want you to kill people for me. I don't kill people unnecessarily. You just go to the library and get the book for me.' Wang Lei turned back towards the window and Huang Dewei nodded his head and then walked off. Wan Lei just stood in front of the window as he thought. All his thoughts were meddled up as stood there with all his worries and concerns regarding his decision and benefits for his nation. He wanted to prove as a great leader to his nation whether they were poor or rich.

He just stood with his thoughts for a long time while Huang Dewei returned back with the book. Wang Lei asked him to keep the book at the table and take off the rest of the day while leaving him alone since he wanted to be left alone. Huang Dewei wanted to stay but then he decided he should leave him alone as he nodded his head and walked. Wang Lei sighed as he walked towards the table to pick up the book as he stopped. 

His gaze fell on the thing next to the book which he got hold of it and then a smile spread across his face. It was a hairpin. He got another hairpin for him and somehow Wang Lei felt Huang Dewei tried to make him happy while giving him a gift which he successfully manage to do it. He could not help as he felt touched by his action and put the hairpin inside his pocket to keep it safe so he could use it later. 

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