The Fallen Girl

Mulai dari awal

But then, that resulted into Gray and Juvia dragging you away to receive the job award.

But now you were finally done. Now you could do what you needed and wanted to do. For Mae.

"I'm done." You smile, and get up from the grassy area in-front of Fairy Tail's door.

"Juvia thinks it's pretty."

You look at the tiny flowers surrounding a small stone with the word 'Mae' etched on it.

You fought back tears. "(Y/N) thinks it pretty too, Juvia."

You heard a familiar voice. "Where...the fuck have you been?" A strained voice reached your ears, causing you to look up.


"An S-Class job, (Y/N)? What were you th-no. What was that ice bastard thinking?!"

Juvia gave you a light smile, before heading back inside.

"Natsu." You softly try again, but you can't help tearing up a little.

"I missed you so much." You pull him into a hug.

You could almost picture his shocked expression. "Um, but you were only gone for a few hours."

"I seriously thought I was going to die."

His hand brushed your cloaked back, earning a small cry of discomfort from you.

'Ah crap. He's going to see it.'

And he did. He tugged off your cloak, his eyes falling on your bandaged back. "Surprise." You weakly said.

"GRAY!" Natsu stormed into the guild hall, his eyes storming and practically brewing a hurricane.

"You bastard!" He grabbed Gray's collar. "What were you thinking?!"

Erza gave a warning. "Natsu."

But Natsu didn't pay any mind.

"Natsu!" You ran after him, resting your hand on his clenched up fist. "Natsu, it's okay."

He slowly settled down, and let go of Gray, and slumped back on you.

"" You stagger at the extra weight, but manage to stand. You stroke his hair, letting the soft strands of pink flow through your fingers.

"You're so childish." You smile, kissing his forehead.

"Stupid couples.." Gray muttered, rubbing his neck. You gave him a death glare.

"Natsu, how's Lucas?" You ask, nudging him to stand straight.

He stretched. "Oh. Crap." He looked at you.

You stared at him. "What did you do."

"Nothing! He's at home."

You raised an eyebrow.



"I seriously think sometimes you're an idiot." You mutter, jogging back to the apartment with Natsu.

"He's fine! He doesn't touch fire and things. Although I'm planning to teach him soon," Natsu added.

"Alrighty then, where's Plume and Happy?" You ask, finally reaching the building.

"Good question."


"I mean- I don't know!"

You face palmed yourself. "It doesn't seem like anythings on fire.."

You creaked open the door, finding Lucas on the floor, sleeping.

Your face immediately softened, just staring down at his innocent face.

"(Y/N)! Look at these cool paintings!" Natsu waltzed to you, and grabbed your hand.

He gestured towards the wall, and you yelped.

There, was a crayon painting of a family all holding hands in-front of a large building. Heck, it was at least 10 times the size of the people.

You studied the people. The tallest man seemed to have his head on-fire, and wore a checkered scarf. You laughed. "Wait is that you?" You ask Natsu.

He sighed. "My hair is pink, not red, Lucas.."

The second tallest figure had long brown hair, that reached to her waist in a pony tail. She wore a bright white crown clip, and her eyes were colored differently.

"That's me, isn't it? I look like a brunette version of Rapunzel."

And the shortest one. A child with golden eyes (more like yellow because there was no gold) and soft brown hair.

"And that's Lucas.." Your fingers touch the painting gingerly. "Don't tell me those two blue and white dots are Happy and Plume."

"Lucas is artistic, that's for sure." Natsu grins. "But how are we gonna get this off?"

"We'll think of a way when we move."

"Well that's a great way, (Y/N)."

You laughed, and pecked his lips. "Thanks. Procrastination taught me well."

"That's sexy." He jokingly said, as you lean against him. "Yeah I know." You grin.


If you've voted or commented before, I've most likely stalked you a bit and checked out your profile. Hehe o3o

..sorry, tmi?

I'm sleeping in my bed right now lol. Probably dreaming about Spain or Lovino

Ok bye

Can't Help It ; NatsuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang