Chapter 22| Ruler of Qi

Start from the beginning

'Nothing wrong but I want someone else to serve me.' Huizhongi said and Wang Lei was confused when he heard him ' come here and serve me.' Huizhongi said while pointing towards Huang Dewei who was puzzled over the request and Wang Lei sighed to calm himself down as he looked back towards Huang Dewei who was confused. He looked towards Wang Lei who signal him to do what Huizhongi was asking him to do. Huang Dewei nodded his head and stood up then sat down in front of Huizhongi and Wang Lei.

The servant walked off to serve others while Huang Dewei got hold of the alcohol and started pouring. Other people's presence find this odd as well since that was not Huang Dewei's job but then they were all clever. They knew what Huizhongi wanted and if their deal can be done in exchange for him to fuck with Huang Dewei they does not care. He can even kill Huang Dewei if in exchange he will give them what they want which was the export and import business of fruit. That was a huge deal. Nobody cares about Huang Dewei whether he becomes Huizhongi's sex toy or his next victim. But they would not even dare to think like this if only they knew what Wang Lei was thinking. In his presence, even looking at Huang Dewei was not possible, forget someone even think of having or touching him.

Meanwhile, Huang Dewei put it in the glass and then served it to Huizhongi who smiled and took it from him. In the process, he purposely touched Huang Dewei's hands which he quickly moved away thinking it was by mistake while Wang Lei bites his lips to control his anger. He was getting angry now. He knew what Huizhongi was doing and he was angrier about how Huang Dewei was not understanding what he was doing? How he was so naive? Wang Lei thought frustrated while Huang Dewei poured the drink for Wang Lei and smiled as he gave it to him. Wang Lei coldly took it from his hand. Huang Dewei had no idea why Wang Lei was like this? Has he done something wrong again?

'Do you want more?' Huang Dewei asked and Huizhongi nodded his head as he smiles

'Your voice is very soft. I wonder how it sounds when you scream.' Huizhongi said as he smirk and Huang Dewei did not understand his words nor that smirk, but Wang Lei clearly understood his double meaning words. By scream, he meant moaning. He was making a sexual reference while Huang Dewei had no idea. He smile as he poured him more drinks and that was making Wang Lei even angrier. He was so stupid and dumb. Wang Lei thought as he sighed fuming in anger.

'Well, I have heard him scream and no one else is allowed to hear that.' Wang Lei said and Huizhongi surprised looked at him clearly understanding his meaning while Huang Dewei was still confused. What the hell both were talking about? What's up with screaming and why do they want to hear it and not allowed to hear it? Huang Dewei was beyond confused.

'Interesting...if you say with this confidence It probably means you telling me what I want will not happen. Don't you want a deal?' Huizhongi said smirking as he asked him

'I don't give up to gain something.' Wang Lei replied as he look dead in his eyes

'Well, then we can share it.' Huizhongi said as he smirk and Wang Lei clenched his fist but said nothing. He just glared at him.

'No response to me. You know that is a good idea.' Huizhongi said while shamelessly smirking

'What are you implying?' Wang Lei asked seriously.

'Well, I want you to fuck me, Wang Lei, and in middle, we can have fun with someone else too.' Huizhongi said while his smirk deepened as Wang Lei glared intensely and Huang Dewei was shocked by his words because this time he was clear and he heard what he said and understood it. He still does not know what does 'in the middle we can have fun with someone else?' Who that someone else was but he definitely understood the first bit.

'Stop it ...that's enough.' Wang Lei said in a cold tone and Huizhongi laughed as he looked at Huang Dewei who was also glaring at him for his previous statement. Huizhongi laughed slowly disappearing and looking between them who seem annoyed and angry and the first time it hit them, there actually was something going on between them. Are they actually lovers because their possessiveness for each other was more than to describe their relationship as being ordinary? That slave was not just his sex toy. Huizhongi moved and pulled Huang Dewei a little towards him from his hand as his eyes widen. Both Huang Dewei and Wang Lei were not ready for it but there was still a table between them, but now Huang Dewei's face was a lot closer to him now.

'Pour another drink for me. ' Huizhongi ordered him as he smirk. Now, suddenly he was really enjoying whatever was going on between them. It was interesting. He wanted to mess with them. Huang Dewei looked at Wang Lei as he tried to let go of his hand from his hard grip.

'Let go of him.' Wang Lei ordered in a cold tone and they looked at each other.

'What if I won't. You know as an Emperor you should not be reacting like this for your slave. Enemies can take this as your weakness.' Huizhongi said as he advised him

'He is not my weakness and he is not just my slave but also a member of this nation. That kind of harassment is not allowed by anyone in my nation. Don't take me as my father.' Wang Lei said in a strong confident tone as he pulled Huang Dewei's hand from his grip and Huizhongi was surprised by his statement. He heard he was different from his father and have a completely different vision for Wang Dynasty but it was hard to believe. His father was an extremely bad ruler whose life was filled with corruption, money laundering and sexual harassment scandals. He was known to enjoy his life fully. Huizhongi thought an apple would not fall far from a tree but he was actually different. Huizhongi said nothing in response while Wang Lei looked at Huang Dewei who was still sitting there and that made him angry again.

'Why are you still sitting here? Get up and go away from here.' Wang Lei screamed as he ordered Huang Dewei who was taken back by his tone as well as people who were near him. They all heard him and he looked extremely angry. They did know what conversation was happening between the three of them but they definitely heard Wang Lei's angry tone toward Huang Dewei who quickly nodded his head and got up. He walked away back inside the palace instead of stopping there. Wang Lei and Huizhongi sat in silence while staring at the performance happening in front of them. Other people also slowly looked away and got interested in the performance which was happening.

Is he your lover?' Huizhongi asked because he still was not satisfied that there was nothing between them.

'No, he is just my guard. We only share a professional relationship.' Wang Lei gave replied in the same icy tone while not even sparing a gaze towards him.

'Well then let me rephrase the sentence. Are you in love with him?' Huizhongi asked and this time Wang Lei surprised looked towards him but said nothing. Huizhongi said nothing either and this time he just smiles and looks away. Wang Lei was different and he liked it. It would be fun to have a deal with him. Huizhongi thought while the rest of the night, they watched the performance in silence and after eating the food Huizhongi with the people he came with were sent to a guest resident which was specially made for them. The meeting regarding the deal would be taking place tomorrow.

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