It's just two floors Isha. Use stairs.

Thinking this I took stairs & ran upstairs while everyone was looking at me as if I've gone mad.

And without waiting for anyone, I ran towards his cabin and opened the door.

"The reports sir" I panted as I kept them  on his table and looked at the time.

9:00 pm!

"Keep them & go" He said and I looked at him.

Like seriously!

"Are you for real. I've literally sprained my neck and hand typing this and you want to me just keep it & go. You can atleast have a look at it" I told which was royally ignored.

I huffed and cursing him under my breath, I turned and was going when he stopped me.

At least a bit decent!

"I need a coffee" He said

"So what. Tell your sec... " I was saying before which I remembered and I glared him.

"Now Miss. Mittal" He smirked

"Sure sir" I muttered and went outside while people were giving me weird looks

Of course they'll.

You ran like there's marathon in office.

I ignored the looks and went towards coffee machine & making a normal coffee, I went back and handed him the same.

"Note the point next time Ms. Mittal. I drink Espresso. " He said

"You can work with this too right now" I told

"My secretary won't decide that" he stated and I huffed

"Sure sir. I'll bring you an espresso. " I said with a tight smile and was going when he stopped me.

"Your hearing abilities are so weak." He commented

"Excuse me. What did you say" I asked

"I exactly said what you heard" He told

"Mind your tongue Mr. Malhotra " I warned

"Voice down Ms. Mittal. I told you to note the point next time. Not right now. So next time, keep a hearing aid with you. You need that" He mocked sipping his coffee while I clenched my teeth.

You're going to break your teeth like this you idiot!

I without saying him a word moved out and taking my things went back to my pent house.

Entering there, I was in no state to even stand up for a glass of water and as soon as my back hit the bed... I fell asleep.


I woke up when my phone's alarm rang and I looked at the time.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

It's already 9 am.

I ran towards washroom and taking a bath, I wore my formals and ran towards door.

Taking a cab, I sat inside.

"Please make me reach K &M building in just twenty minutes " I literally begged while he nodded looking a bit shocked by my voice.

But thanks heavens, even when Munbai is known for traffic, My good fortune it wasn't there today and  I was near the building at 9:45 am.

Who the hell comes  to their own office at this time!

Everyone does Isha!

I ran inside the building & after punching my card, I ran upstairs.

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