Chapter 159 - Dreams

Start from the beginning

The floor had small patches of covers as if someone tried to fix the holes that were present there. Even the window that was awkwardly similar to the first room's was giving Pier the ick.

He hated dusty places.

"I might get an allergic reaction if I stay here longer." Pier swatted his hand to make the flying dust go away from his face.

The last thing he wanted to happen was to actually start sneezing nonstop and have a runny nose after inhaling all the dust. Sighing, he turned his back and proceeded to head towards the door of the room.

But that's when he heard something else.

"Hmmm.... Hmmm..."

Surprised by the sudden noise, Pier flinched and completely halted his steps.

"Someone's humming?" He inquired himself.

'Must be the owner of the house.' He then proceeded to exit the second room and started to wonder where the sound had come from.

Pier identified that the melodious humming had come from the second floor of the house. It was faint but he can hear it clearly because of the silence that was engulfing the entire place.

Taken over by curiosity, he started to walk up the stairs and ignored the other rooms that had ajar doors. He really wanted to exit the dream right now and get back into his real life. Pier needed to visit Taron and deliver Asher the thing he wanted the prince to do.

As he stepped onto the first step of the staircase that led to the second floor, it made a creaking noise and the humming stopped.

'Crap, did I alert them?' He might look like a burglar or whatever right now but Pier can clearly discern that this was a dream. He had vivid memories of what happened before he slept and so he easily knew this was not reality.

"Are you home?" A woman's voice asked from a distance and Pier raised both of his eyebrows.

'I don't recall having a wife though?' He decided not to respond and instead, continued heading up the stairs until his feet landed on the second floor.

'If I did have a wife, man, she must be beautiful'

Pier's humor can sometimes be out of place especially now that he has a vampire king who was always trying to get in his pants and marry him.

With a small chuckle lingering on his lips, he continued to take strides as to where he last heard the woman's voice.

'Why did I even assume that it is my wife. I'm trespassing their house!' He rolled his eyes at his thoughts and stopped when he reached the door where he knew the voice had originated from.

Unlike the other doors, this one was not ajar and completely shut. The knob looked carefully cleaned and even the door seemed like it was new.


'My heart...?' Confusion doused him when he tried to reach for the knob of the door as his heart pounded loudly in his chest.

'What is this?' He started to feel his back and neck getting cold while sweat formed on his forehead. A premonition that something he will not like was behind the door lingered on his mind and body.

But he did not know how to end this dream. Instead, Pier chose to fully grab the knob and slowly turn it.

"Honey, are you home?" The woman's voice asked again and Pier stopped turning the knob.

'Honey?' He glared at the door.

Nevertheless, his heart did not stop pounding in his chest and Pier chose to ignore the nervousness and anxiety he felt. He completely turned the knob and opened the door.

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