Chapter 45 | Turmoil

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Y/N's P.O.V.


Just like yesterday, I was sitting in a small café, enjoying my lunch break. Although unlike yesterday, I was waiting for Yoongi to arrive so he could show me more of his "proof." 

After finishing my food I start to stare out of the window, impatiently waiting for Yoongi, who was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. 

Eventually I lean back in my chair and start to scroll on my phone, too bored from staring at the same, unmoving scenery.

Running out of things to look at, I decide to look through my recent conversations with Jennie. 

When she asked me how I ended up in Iceland it took me a few hours to explain everything to her. How I was kidnapped by Seventeen, and Stray Kids, and then how Minghao, DK, and Jun seemed like they were trying to help me.

I had expected her to be in shock from everything, but she seemed unnaturally calm about it. Of course she kept asking me if I was okay, but she didn't seem surprised by everything I said.

I sigh while looking through our messages. The way she's been talking recently seems so unnatural to me and I can't help but feel like she's hiding something.

"Hello!" Someone says, tiredly.

I jump in my seat and look up from my phone to see Yoongi, carrying two different files.

"Sorry, I didn't see you come in," I say as I shove my phone into my purse.

"Here," Yoongi said while handing me both of the files. "These should be enough proof." Yoongi sits down, leans back in his chair, and watches as I start to look through the files. 

The first file was filled with my information, my medical records and a copy of my birth certificate. The other file had the same information, but instead of mine, it was Yoongi's.

The first thing I notice in Yoongi's file is his parents, my birth parents. I can't help but stare at the two familiar names. 

Finally I force myself to look back up to Yoongi, "How do I know that this is real, and not something you are making look real?" I ask, still full of suspension. 

My adoptive parents hadn't hid the fact I was adopted, so when I turned sixteen I tried to find my birth parents. But I had a closed adoption, and therefore couldn't find anything on my blood family.

And even if Yoongi's story made sense, I couldn't trust him.

Yoongi lightly sighs and shrugs at me, "I don't know." He shrugs. "Anything I show you I could  manipulate to look like something else," He says transparently. "Your only options are to trust me or to not trust me."

"Wonderful," I sarcastically mutter to myself. 

I don't know what to say to the man sitting in front of me, so instead I turn back to the files and pretend to look them over again.


Time skip - 8:45pm That Night

I scramble with my key, trying to unlock the door. Once I open the door and walk into the shared apartment I notice both Minghao and Mingyu sitting on the couch watching some show, eating.

Minghao leans over the couch, "Hello!" He waves, "We ordered take out." Minghao gestures to the kitchen counter where the rest of the food was.

"Thanks," I partially mumble, tiredly smiling. 

Minghao's eyebrows raise as he watches me. He looks as if he was about to say something, but he changes his mind and continues watching the show.

I grab a plate of food walk over to the living room and sit down in an empty chair. 

While eating, I realize that Minghao keeps glancing at me. But I was too tired to ask him if something was wrong, so I just try to ignore him.

Unfortunately after I sit down to eat, the episode ends rather quickly. When the episode ends Minghao turns the TV off.

I turn to look back at him and Mingyu to see Mingyu sleeping and Minghao grabbing the containers to throw them away. 

"Are you done?" Minghao asks me softly.

"Mhm." I nod.

I make myself stand up and walk towards the kitchen. When I enter I see Minghao scrubbing dishes from the morning. "Need help?"

"Sure," Minghao says, gesturing to a pile of washed dishes, "Can you dry them?"

"Yeah," I respond and grab a nearby towel.

"Mingyu's moving out," Minghao says while washing dishes. "He found another apartment a floor above us, so he's renting it out."

"Really? Are you moving too?" I ask somewhat nervous.

"Nope, the apartment is too small for two people." He hands me another plate, "Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, it's fine." I respond a little too fastly. 

The thought of living alone right now scared me. And I was not ready for it one bit.

After we finish the dishes, I sit down at the counter and Minghao leans back on the stove.

"What's wrong?" Minghao asks, basically out of the blue.

"Hmm?" I quizzically look at him.

"You seem.... off? I don't know." He shrugs.

I tap on the table, unsure if I want to tell Minghao about Yoongi. Because if Minghao knew who Yoongi was I might actually find out if he's my brother or not, and that scares me for some reason.

I take a deep breath and try to explain, "Someone came up to me while I was on my lunch break claiming to be my brother."

"What?" Minghao exclaims. He walks over the counter and stands across from me. "Who?"

I sigh, "He says his name is Yoongi, and he also said something about DK." 

"Hmm." Minghao thinks for a second, than pulls out his phone. "What happened next?"

"He told me about my parents and why they gave me up, and I suppose the story seems believable enough. He also showed me some papers, but I don't know if they're real."

Minghao places his phone down on the counter and looks up at me, "Just a suggestion, but for right now you should probably stop talking to him, for your own safety. I asked DK about him so I'll let you know when he says something."

I tiredly nod at him, thankful that part of this was being solved.

Minghao thinks for a second, "If you want to talk to him and don't feel safe or anything, you can let me know and I can come with you," he says while shrugging. "But I should go to bed, good night." He lightly smiles at me before leaving to his room.

"Good night!" 


[Author's Note]

Sorry for that late updates guys, I wasn't home so I wasn't able to update.

I keep seeing videos of Seventeen doing Caratland and I love them so much. It's awesome to see all thirteen of them and to see how happy they are to be preforming live.

I was able to get a ticket for the online screening and I can't wait to watch it!

Let me know what you think of this chapter!

Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and has a good day/night! See you next week!

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