Chapter 17 | Reunited

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Y/N's P.O.V.


I was talking with DK again. It was a repetitive pattern in my day. Wake up, have Joshua, sometimes DK, check on the wounds I had gotten from torture, then read the book DK gave me and talk with him late in the day after his work.

Today was a little weird though. DK seemed off? Of course, I really don't know anything about him so I can't say much, for all I know he could be exactly like Jun. But, I still found it weird.

He seemed sad, he stilled smiled but it wasn't a happy smile, it was the 'I'm smiling to be polite and to seem like I care'.

I was just starting to notice how much I missed my friends. I obviously knew I missed them, I just refused to think about it because I couldn't handle being lonely without crying. And it had been easier with a friendly, happy DK.

But I had to think about it at some point, which of course happened when DK seemed different. And now I feel like I'm a fake friend.

Because his group definitely didn't kidnap me by sending a member to date me by manipulating and lying to me.

I stopped talking without realizing it, I had spaced out while thinking about how I miss Jennie and Seungmin.

"uhh, Y/N are you okay?" DK was staring at me with a mix of curiosity and slight worry.

I shook my head to a little stop staring into space and looked back to DK, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for randomly spacing out." I scratched the back of my neck feeling awkward.

"It's cool, I should be going now anyway." He stood up from the plastic chair he was sitting in and started to leave the room.

"Wait! Can I ask you a question?" It had been nagging at me since Jun told me what Seventeen decided to do with me.

He turned back looking confused, "Umm sure."

"How exactly are you guys gonna use me as bait?" I sat up a little straighter, hoping to seem more serious than nervous.

DK silently walked back over but didn't sit down. He let out a low sigh, "Well from what Jun observed Seungmin seemed to be real friends with you and Jennie. He might just be good at acting, but from other 'sources' we've heard he sucks at it. So we're making a logical guess that he actually cares about you and Jennie." DK turned to walk over to Joshua's desk and picked up what looked like a medical book of some sort.

"The plan is for us to put you in a situation where Seungmin needs to save you then we kidnap him and repeat what happened to you but more brutal." 

Before I had time to make it very clear that I would rather die than let Seungmin be tortured by these maniacs, I was rudely interrupted by Joshia rushing into the room, almost completely pale and with wide eyes.

"Dokyeom, Wonwoo's back! We need to go!"

DK rushed out of the room, almost tripping over thin air, following Joshua to who knows where. And I was left with knowing I was going to be used to lure one of my best friends into some mafia group that wants to kidnap and torture him because apparently, he's a spy!

I didn't understand what was going on.

And the worse part about everything is that there is nothing I can do about it.I put my head into my hands and let myself cry, cry because I was lonely, and cry because I might be the reason my friend will go through horrid pain.

Then I'd have to explain to Jennie everything, but I might not be able to do because there's a good chance I'm not going to live, and If I do, I won't if I tell anyone, so I also will have to create something to tell her and live the rest of my life as a lie.

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