Chapter 39 | Old Problems

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Jeonghan's P.O.V.


"Ughh," I groan as Joshua applies more pressure to my bullet wound. 

Leaning against S.Coups' desk, I impatiently wait as Joshua tends to my gunshot wound. "How much-" I gasp as Joshua pours alcohol onto the wound, "-How much longer will this take?"

"Shouldn't be much longer," Joshua starts in a much calmer voice than mine, "That is if you don't keep squirming away from me."

"Oh, whatever." I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to start stitching this," 

"Wow, no you don't have to do that," I say, trying to stand up and leave the office. But as I stand up, I stumble and fall back down.

"Sure I don't," Joshua mumbles, starting to stitch.

I wince and groan while Joshua sews my skin back together.

"Okay, that should be good enough for now." Joshua stands up and packs his things, "I should see if anyone else needs help. Oh, here." He says, helping me up from the ground.

"Just-" Joshua eyes my wound, "-make sure that you don't rip open that."

"Yea, no problem." I grab my gun that was sitting on top of the desk. 

"Maybe don't go out and start fighting again," Josh says in annoyance.

"I'm not planning on fighting anyone, I'm just gonna get rid of something useless." I leave the office, heading towards the basement.


The8's P.O.V.


"That's really the first thing you want to say to me?" Samuel chuckles. 

He hadn't even flinched when me and Mingyu shot his two companions. One of which was still alive, groaning and slowly bleeding out on the ground.

Samuel barely even spared a glance at his dying comrade.

"I thought NCT killed you! Why the hell are you working with them?" I yell out, completely in shock.

"Oh come on," Samuel rolls his eyes. "You believed NCT way too easily. None of you even tried to fact-check what Taeyong said!" Samuel pulls out his gun, but he keeps it pointing towards the ground.

"S.Coups announced you were dead to everyone! I had no reason not to believe him!" I exclaimed, nudging Mingyu, who seems to be in more shock than me.

Samuel looks away from me and Mingyu, clicking his tongue.

While he wasn't watching, the two of us each quickly pull the slide to our pistols back, preparing for anything crazy that Samuel could try to do.

Looking back to us with a twisted smile, Samuel continues with his 'speech'. "Tell me. After training me for a year and being the only person I told about how I joined the mafia." Samuel started waving his arms, and his gun, wildly around. 

Behind Samuel I finally noticed Y/N. Standing frozen in place, watching everything wide-eyed.

"You really couldn't even try to find something out yourself? You just mindlessly believe whatever you hear?" Samuel says with a crazed tone.

"Look," I say, trying to come up with an excuse. "I- I,"

Samuel laughs at my poor attempt, "You do realize that you could have prevented all of this?"

I feel my breathing hitch. 

Glancing at Mingyu, I see his face of confusion. I look behind Samuel at Y/N, I nudge my head to her, silently telling her to break out of whatever trance she was in and escape.

Noticing my signal, Samuel turns around and points his gun at Y/N. "Is she the person you're using to try and fix your mistake?"

"What's he talking about Hao?" Mingyu whispers to me.

"Look, Samuel, I'm sorry. I wish I would've helped you, I really do, but I thought that it would get us both killed! I was just trying to keep you alive!"

"Well, that turned out great didn't it!" Samuel yells back, gun still pointing.

Instinctively I pull my gun out from behind my back, pointing it at Samuel's chest.

Samuel looks at my gun and chuckles, "You say sorry then point a gun at me? You really are great at apologies."

I feel my heart race as Samuel grows more crazed.  

"Look, stop pointing the gun at Y/N, and I'll put my gun down," I say, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Why don't you want me to shoot her Minghao?" Samuel asks, "You're the reason I'm still in this mafia hell hole, and I don't want to be the only one suffering because of you!" Samuel screams at me.

My hand starts to shake. I know I have to shoot him to keep Y/N uninjured, but the thought of shooting someone who I saw as a little brother haunted me.

"I hope this makes you regret everything." 

I hear the quiet sound of a click, and then a loud bang.


[Author's Note]

So I realized that I've started a lot of my author notes with apologies, and today isn't any different. Sorry about this being a lot shorter than usual and being a week late (and maybe boring). 

I keep struggling to write this story, I keep thinking it's just me not being able to write anything but when I write other stories I seem to be able to write just fine. I think I just have a little bit of burnout from writing this story for so long. So I'm not sure, maybe I'll take a short break, like two weeks, not sure but if I do take a break I'll add something to my conversation thing.

On to a funner note, I have a new story out! I'm pretty excited about it, so if you want to check it out, it's called Not Supposed to be Real. Also, I have an Instagram page for my fanfiction, I'll post some of my one-shots there and also updates for this story. If you wanna follow it, I have the link in my bio, and the user name is zensho_lu.

Sorry for the self-promo. But I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

The Mafia's Mistake (Seventeen Mafia AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin