Chapter 1 | Where it all Started to go Wrong

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Dino P.O.V. 

"This was supposed to be my first day off of work in about a month and a half, but of course, this was the day S.coups thought was perfect to have an important meeting.

I was walking towards the meeting room at a slow pace very unenthusiastically. I checked the time on my watch; it was currently 6:00 a.m. and I was barely awake, "I know this meeting is supposed to be very important but surely S.coups could have waited later in the day to hold it." As I was walking I heard running from behind me.

"Good morning Dino! You look happy to be awake." Hoshi laughed as he caught up with me and saw the obvious tiredness on my face. 

I just gave him a mean look instead of responding, I was too annoyed by pretty much everything at the moment and definitely wasn't in the mood for conversation.

By the time me and Hoshi got to the meeting room everyone was there except for The8 and S.coups. The8 was usually late for these things if they were in the morning. "I wish I had enough confidence to do that. But I really don't want to make S.coups mad."  

"How is Minghao still not here?" Joshua asked not particularly surprised that the he wasn't here; just curious about the mysterious boy's habits.

"As he sees it if he's not contacted at least three times it can't be that important, plus he usually stays up too late playing video games." Mingyu stated as he was scrolling on his phone.

Right after Mingyu finished talking The8 finally entered the room and without any greeting went straight to take a seat at the large meeting table.

I looked back at my watch, it read 6:10. S.coups had called the meeting to be held at 6:15 so he should be here soon.

The group sat in silence doing their own thing while they waited for their leader to show up and start this important meeting. This included most of the members doing things on their phone or just thinking about what the meeting could be about, Wonwoo reading one of his books, Woozi starting to knit, and DK studying for a test he would have soon.

Right at 6:15 S.coups walked into the room and gained the whole rooms attention "Okay I'm just going to get to the point." He started without even saying any form of greeting and sounding quite pissed off, "As you should all know recently multiple of our shipments have been either destroyed or stolen and these were done perfectly with no evidence of who it is. My guess is that it's those NCT bastards are the ones to blame as they can't keep to their fucking selves." If S.coups didn't look mad before he most defiantly did after mentioning NCT "The only logical way someone could do this well of a job multiple times is if they had a spy or spies stealing information from us. So Dino I want you to find out who the possible spies are by tomorrow at noon. MEETING DISMISSED!" Right after dismissing the meeting S.coups walked out giving no one time to talk or ask any questions.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me I just want a day off" I mumbled under my breath.

Y/N's P.O.V.

That Night

Me and Jennie just served the last customer and were now starting to clean the little café so they could close it for the night and go back home, "You know I thought working at a small café would mean less customers but oh my goodness I was wrong." Jennie said with a chuckle "I am completely exhausted."

I laughed at her as I continued to clean. "I definitely wasn't expecting the surge of customers we have"

"Especially at lunch time and when the office people get off work" Jennie basically yelled at me. While all I could do was laugh at how she acted.

We ended up getting the café all closed up relatively quickly and went our separate ways home. As I was walking around a corner I accidently ran into a man who was walking with another man. "What the hell! Look where you are going fool!"

"Hao calm down it's not that big of a deal." The other man scolded the one I had the unfortune of running into. The boy called 'Hao' simply sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said not wanting to mention that he wasn't particularly looking where he was going either. 

Thankfully both the men just continued walking instead of creating a big fuss about getting slightly bumped into and I was able to get back home quickly.

S.coups P.O.V.

The Next Day - 12:00

"So this should be our spy" Dino said while putting a file on my desk, "Her name is Min Y/N, born on May 27th 1997, She works at xxxx café, moved to Seoul 5 months ago, and an aspiring author." Dino read some of the main facts to me. He had obvious dark circles under his eyes from staying up all night to get the information.

"Go get the rest of the members and tell them to be ready to have a meeting at 1:30 then after the meeting go home." As the youngest member left his office Seungcheol started to go threw the file to find the best way to get rid of this spy. This spy was causing a lot of problems for him and he couldn't wait to get rid of them.

[Author note]

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! sorry for any mistakes that I made and I should be updating in one or two days.

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