Chapter 6 | A New Friend

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Y/N's P.O.V.

8:00 p.m.

I was walking down the hallway to my apartment. I was trying not to sway the bag of take-out too much. Usually I would just cook food myself, but today I was exceptionally tired, so I went to a take-out restaurant on the way to my apartment from the café to pick up a small dinner.

When I reached my apartment, I sluggishly walked over to the couch, plopping the food onto a small table, turned on the TV, which was playing record of youth. I went to grab a cup of coffee before starting my food. I knew this was a bad idea and I probably wouldn't fall asleep till 2am but I finally had found the solution to the plot hole in the story I was working on and if I feel I might forget the fix.

My laptop was resting on my lap, I had relaxing music playing, I wasn't tired or stressed, I knew how to fix the plot hole. So why am I just staring at the damn screen with my fingers over the keys but not hitting them?

"Why is it so darn hard to pick the correct words to type?" I muttered under my breath. I had already figured out the way to start breaking the bond of the two brothers, which would lead to a war of evil, but finding the words that could make the story flow easy like a river, were gone.

Slowly the words came to me- before too long I was writing at a fast pace and everything seemed to be going well. I looked up from the screen for the first time in who knows how long to see that is was already 1:30am

"You have to be kidding me." sighing, I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the couch. Tomorrow I had plans to meet Jennie, Seungmin, and one of his friends for breakfast and I had accidentally stayed up too late. "I'm just going to blame this on Jennie deciding we should do breakfast at 8am." Technically, it wasn't that early, but for someone who stayed up past midnight on a daily basis, that was not a practical time. And I just really wanted to blame someone other than me.

With a deep sigh, I saved what I had written tonight and shut off the laptop. I shut off the music and turned off all the lights except a small one in the kitchen so I could see while I got a glass of water. The small room was eerily quiet. While walking towards my room, I could feel my body starting to fall asleep, causing my shoulder to run into the doorway. I made my way to my bed and crashed before I could turn on the white noise that I turned on to take away the eerie silence.

8:07 a.m.

I was running down the street trying to get to the restaurant— I wasn't horridly late, but I still hated the thought of everyone there while I was late. There's no doubt I didn't look like a fool while running, but I tried to not let it bother me. I failed.

"You look out of breath, did you run here?" Jennie joked with me.

"Actually I did. I thought I would be the only person late, but here I am." I looked around the restaurant it was sorta small but comfortable, and it smelled amazing!

" Seungmin messaged me right before you arrived. He said he should be here with his friend in roughly 10 minutes. Let's go get a table while we wait for them."

"Sorry, we're late guys." Seungmin came to the table we were sitting at with his friend walking behind him. His friend had long black hair and was sweetly smiling. "This is Hyunjin," Seungmin informed us, gesturing to the man who was now standing beside him.

"Hello, I'm Jennie, nice to meet you!"

"Hi, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you both as well." Hyunjin's smile somehow grew warmer as he said it.

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