Chapter 34 | Attack

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Y/N's P.O.V.


"Ugh, how do people watch the news on purpose?"

At this point the news was the only thing that I could watch, everything else looked horrible to watch or I had already watched it, so I was stuck.

I stand up and move over to the table with the chess set. I didn't start to play, instead, I just stare out of the window.

During the past however long I've been stuck up in this mess, I've been trying to keep myself distracted and not think about what my life will be like from now on. 

"Will I ever be able to get out of this? Even if I do, what am I supposed to do? I have for sure lost my job and my apartment. I have no idea what's happened to Seungmin and I'm too scared to ask The8. I suppose I could stay with Jennie for a bit while trying to find a job, but how am I supposed to explain everything to her?"

"Hey, are you.... uhh,  are you okay?"

I jump out of my seat after hearing The8's voice. 

"How did I not hear him come in?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry!" 

"It's fine! I'm fine!" I exclaim a bit too loudly.

"I wonder how long he's been here."

"Uhh, I didn't see you come in, sorry." I stand up from the chair and stand awkwardly.

I notice that he was holding some grocery bags.

Trying to break the deafening silence, I spoke up, "Do you want me to help you put those up?"



After the two of us put up all of the groceries me and The8 ended up cooking lunch together. It was both incredibly awkward and pleasant. I was surprised to find that The8 was a good chef. For some odd reason, mafia man and good cook didn't seem like two things that would mix well.

We both ate lunch together in comfortable silence.

I'm not sure why I find spending time with The8 so relaxing. It was oddly peaceful, it added a sense of peace to this chaos.


"Let's do another game," The8 said after losing another game.

"Okay," I chuckled.

I caught The8's playful eye roll as he sets his pieces up again.

Right as I was about to make the first move of the game, there was a knock at the door.

Both me and The8 turned to the door with wide eyes.

"Go into the room!" The8's face turned pale as he stared at the door.

I rush into the room and slam the door close.

I want to stay by the door and hear what was going on, but I know that was a dumb choice, so I run into the bathroom.

I could feel my heartbeat as I hid.


I screamed at the sound of the gunshot, before covering my mouth.

"Was that The8? Or did he get shot? What Should I do?"


Jennie's P.O.V.


"I was super surprised to see you here today!" an excited Jisung said.

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