Chapter 27 | Distrust

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The8's POV


"Was it really a smart idea to let that girl stay at my apartment? I swear if she tries something I'm going to lose it."

I was going to be too busy today to worry about that though. Me and Mingyu had two different missions today, and they were both supposed to be difficult. We have to leave for the first one in thirty minutes.

But before I do that I should check on Yangyang. I haven't seen him in a couple of days and I really shouldn't not check on him. Especially with him being from NCT.

I'm not sure why, but while I walk down the hall to where Yangyang is staying, I have a feeling that something is gonna happen.

And I was right.

Yangyang is gone. His window was open and the room was stripped of almost all of his belongings.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath as I turn to run to S.Coup's office.

We might have to put back those missions. It's so dangerous having Yangyang run away. For all we know he could run back to NCT and tell them what he knows, It won't be much but knowing what the inside of our base looks like. That would be deadly.



Yesterday had been too long. An emergency meeting had been called the minute I told S.Coups about Yangyang.

It had been one of our longest meetings yet.

We weren't sure if we wanted to chase him down or not. It would be horrible if he went back to NCT, but, we didn't have enough rescores to search for him and keep ourselves completely protected.

My and Mingyu still did both of our missions, they were just put back by three hours. Thankfully, both of the missions went smoothly.

I flopped back down on my bed with a sigh. "I have to go to my apartment today." I groaned into my pillow.

"When did I start watching over so many damn people?"


"Hello? You in here?" I called out, hoping that I didn't have to deal with two run-aways.

Y/N ran out of the bedroom looking flustered.

She was wearing gray sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. It looked like she had just woken up.


It was funny how shocked she sounded, almost cute.

I walked over and sat down on the couch. I decided I was just going to stay here all day. There was nothing for me to do back at the base plus this way I could make sure Y/N didn't leave. If anything there was a computer here so I could play some video games while I was here.

Y/N was still standing in the same spot, silently watching me turn on the TV.

"Oh, I'm staying here for the day. You can just ignore me." I shrugged scrolling through channels.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N stand in the doorway confused until she walked back into the room and closed the door.

A few minutes later she came out dressed in jeans and a navy shirt. She also had her hair brushed.

She walked towards the kitchen, going out of her way to not walk in front of the TV.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?"

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