Chapter 15 | A Turn In Direction

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DK's P.O.V.


"My real name is Seokmin." This was the first time I willingly told someone my real name since I joined Seventeen.

I joined with the promise of finding my sister, but S.Coups always pushed back plans to find my sister's murderers. Instead of getting help, I was forced to become a doctor for the mafia.

It wasn't the worst thing though—I met some people who weren't horrible—well, Jun was pretty bad but he was friendly towards me since day one and always helped me.

"We should probably go back now, just to be safe." I said while checking my watch.

"Okay," Me and Y/N both stood up and picked up the blankets, "Thanks for taking me here." She handed me the blanket and gave me a small smile of gratitude.

I helped her walk to the elevator and to the medic room, she was still pretty weak from torture.

When walking down the corridor, I saw Vernon coming from the other side holding something in his right hand.

"Oh crap, what if he exposes us?"

Me and Vernon were not close whatsoever, I don't think we've talked more than eight words to each other: "Please don't get us in trouble."

We happened to meet right outside the door to the medical room. I took a deep breath and tried to come up with a reasonable excuse.

"Seungkwan told me to give you these papers." He handed the papers to me and started to turn around and walk away. 

But before he turned around, he snapped his head back towards Y/N.

It's like he got caught in a trance, he was staring at Y/N without blinking, it only lasted for a couple seconds, but it caught both me and Y/N off guard.

Vernon jumped a little, and blinked rapidly: "Oh, uhh, so-sorry." He stuttered.

And just like that, he turned back and quickly walked away. I've never seen him like that.

"I'm not sure what that was about—hope it didn't make you uncomfortable." I apologized.

"It's umm it's fine."  



I carefully applied some treatment to Mingyu's wound and wrapped a clean bandage around his chest, after taking care of his bullet wound, I got some ointment to apply on the burn all along his face and arms.

"Thanks for coming all the way up here to do this—I feel bad for asking, but it still hurts to move."

"It's fine, all I had to do was take an elevator not too big of a deal." Mingyu laughed and gave me a toothy smile.

Mingyu was always naturally kind to everyone, which was very weird considering his job and all. His personality was the direct opposite of The8's, who was currently glaring daggers at me from the couch.

I tried not to look at him, but it made me anxious having his gaze on me. Eight was the only member I've never seen smile—I'd seen S.Coups smile and even Vernon a couple times when talking to Seungkwan—but The8 only ever made a neutral, lifeless face or a face to show that he would like to shoot your through the heart.

I think Mingyu noticed my discomfort and turned to Eight: "Oh, come on Hao, there's no need to look like you want to hurt someone,"

"What if I want to?" He stood up, and walked past us, acting like he didn't indirectly say he wanted to hurt me. Giving me a judgmental glance as he walked into what I supposed was the room he stayed in when visiting Mingyu.

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