Chapter 44 | Long Lost Brother

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Minghao's P.O.V.

A week later - 12:52pm

"I wonder how everyone is doing," Mingyu sighs.

I know he didn't really want to leave. While the two of us were close friends we both had very different relationships with Seventeen. To Mingyu Seventeen was like a second family, and to me, Seventeen, or more specifically S.Coups, was just the people I was working for.

I never liked working for Seventeen, but it was a job I knew how to do. And it was the only job that could help me avenge my father and mother. But by now I've given up on that.

"They're probably fine." I shrug, "DK would message us if anything too serious happens"

Mingyu only answers by nodding before standing up to leave, "I should go, I have a job interview."

"Good luck!" I call to him as he leaves. Mingyu had been the first of us to find a job interview that would be easy to work at for not knowing Icelandic yet.


Now that I'm alone, I'm not sure what to do. Y/N was in her room, probably scouring the internet for a job. 

I know I should either be looking for a job or studying Icelandic. But I'm burnt out from doing the same thing for five days in a row.

"Might as well cook something," I mumble, forcing myself to stand up. Opening the fridge, I realize that we basically have nothing to eat, other than barely a serving of leftovers.

I rest my head on the top of the fridge and sigh. "Now I have to go to the grocery."

I walk into my bedroom and grab my coat. As I'm about to walk out of the door I think to invite Y/N. She had stayed inside for multiple days now and it would be good to leave the small apartment.

I knock on Y/N's door and wait for her to respond. I hear some rustling from inside her room and soon enough she opens the door. She's wearing a dark blue sweater and her hair is tied into a bun.

"Hi," I say, giving her a small wave.

"Uh, hello," She responds happily. "You going somewhere," She asks, noticing my coat.

"I was going to head to the grocery, want to come?"

"Sure!" She smiles, more excited than I had expected her to be.

"Lets go!" I say, feeling a smile tug at my lips.


Y/N sighs happily, "It's nice being outside." Her face was looking up to the sky, bathing in the sunlight.

"I agree," I say, watching the mountains as we walk.

Once in the grocery store me and Y/N start to look around for different produce and talk about different meals we want to cook.

Soon enough we're done shopping and are about to check out. We get in line, waiting for our groceries to be scanned. 

Our cart wasn't super full. We only grabbed enough things for about three days of food. All three of us needed Mingyu to land this job, we were starting to run low on money and it wouldn't support three people for much longer.

I pay for the groceries and me and Y/N grab some of the bags and start walking back. Thankfully we only lived a five minute walk away and the bags weren't heavy. 

"Thanks for inviting me Minghao, it was nice to leave the apartment." Y/N smiles at me.

I smile back at her, glad to see her happy. She had obviously been struggling with leaving Korea and the death of Seungmin.

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