Chapter 26 | New Living Arrangements

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Y/N's P.O.V.


My thoughts are so messed up right now.

In the span of just a few days, I had been used as bait after being kidnapped. Then I was kidnapped again by my best friend's group, and now I have been taken back by the group who had originally kidnapped me. And that didn't even include being kidnapped the first time.

What in the world was my life right now?

"So, uh, why are you taking me out of there?" I whispered to DK, hoping the other two men, especially Jun, wouldn't hear me.

Me and DK were sitting in the back of the van, while Jun and the man who had killed the three men in mere seconds sat in the front with Jun driving.

DK turned to me and gave me a sweet smile, "We came to save you of course!"


"I felt bad. I told you I'd try to not let you get hurt, and I wasn't going to stand back and do nothing." DK turned away from me, his face becoming more solemnly. "I hope you don't find this weird, but you remind me of someone. Someone who I wanted to protect but I wasn't able to."

I could almost swear that I had heard Seokmin's voice crack.

"Thank you." My voice barely could even count as a whisper. I wasn't sure exactly what to say. Even though 'thank you' was a weak thing to say right now, it was the only thing I could think of.

Slowly, Seokmin turned back to with the same sweet smile as before. But this time, his eyes were slightly red from tears.

I'm not sure why, but it felt rude to look straight at him, so I averted my gaze.

I saw myself and Seokmin in the front mirror. While looking, I noticed the unknown man staring towards us with a soft, uninterested look.


"What the heck do you mean that I have to stay with him!"

Seokmin looked down towards the ground, Jun chuckled before being elbowed by Seokmin, and the unnamed man just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Look, it's what's safest for everyone, especially you! Plus, it won't be long term." His cool voice was startling. He was able to convey such emotion with barely any change in his tone. "Ugh, it's not like I'm happy with this set-up either."

"Why are you the safest to stay with? I just watched you kill three men like it was nothing!"

"One, they weren't trained well, so it was easy to beat them. Two, you'll be safer with me because I'm the only one of us who doesn't have a connection to you and the only one who has a place to stay away from headquarters."

I still wasn't happy about it, but he was right. And it didn't really matter what I wanted. My life was probably on the line, so I couldn't complain.

"Let's go!" Right out of the blue, the unnamed man lightly grabbed my hand and started to pull me behind him.

"Sorry Y/N," Seokmin called to me as I walked away from him.


The car ride was painfully awkward. At least for me it was.

"So, what's your name?" I asked, looking over to the driver's seat.

"Call me Eight."


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