Chapter 46 | Trust

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Minghao's P.O.V.


I fall back onto my bed, ready to go to sleep, all but mentally. I feel tired, but I still can't fall asleep when I close my eyes.

As I continue to toss and turn in bed, still unable to find a position that will let me go to sleep, I can't stop thinking about Y/N's situation.

DK hasn't responded to my message yet and I'm getting anxious. The possibility that someone like S.Coups found out that DK was still in communication with me was too likely for me to rest easily.

I reach over for my phone and check the time, it read "12:43 A.M."

"Maybe he's still asleep? It's only 9:43 in Korea." I think to myself, knowing fully well that reality was very unlikely. 

Finally, I get up and walk out to the living room.

The room had an eerie feeling to it. The whole apartment was in complete darkness, and it was drowning in silence.

I lie down on the couch and turn the TV on, flipping to a random cooking show that I didn't understand.

When I turn on the TV, I involuntarily squint and rush to turn down the volume. Even if it was at a low volume, the noise seems to ring out throughout all of the apartment.

With the distraction of the TV, I'm about to fall asleep.

And then, after almost four and a half hours, DK responds, and my phone dings with a new message.

I jolt awake, basically jumping up to reach for my phone. 

"Yea I know him. I believe he's trustworthy. Why do you ask?" DK said in three different messages. 

I type a response, saying how the strange man showed up to Y/N and claims to be her brother.

While waiting for DK to respond, I start to watch the cooking show, and I start to wish I could cook the type of food seen on the show.

DK continues to tell me what he knows about 'Suga.' Thankfully, according to DK, 'Suga' could be trusted. The only real problem is that I'm not sure how much I trust DK on this matter. 

I never was close to DK, and I rarely talked to him, so I don't have much reason to give him all my trust.

I turn my phone off and lie back on the couch, "I'll tell Y/N what DK said tomorrow and let her decide. I just hope DK isn't wrong."


Time Skip - 7:20am The Next Morning

I feel something hitting on my head, again and again. Groaning, I turn over and cover my head, although I still don't open my eyes.

"For the love." I hear a deep, tired voice. I sit up and look to see Mingyu, with a very confused look on his face. 

All the lights in the apartment were still off and the blinds were still shut, although I could see light sun rays shining through the cracks. 

"Why are you sleeping out here?" 

I shrug, too tired to talk. 

Mingyu walks away into the kitchen, likely working on making breakfast. 

Today was one of our off days and we were planning on packing some of Mingyu's stuff while Y/N was at work. Considering he was supposed to be moving in two days, we should start on it. Even though he didn't have a lot of stuff and he was going to be staying in the same building, Mingyu wants to have everything packed so he wouldn't be making too many trips back to grab something he forgot.

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