♥ Final Author's Note ♥

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April 16th, 4:40am

I can't believe this story is officially over. It feels so unreal to me.

At this point, I've been writing this story for over a year. This past year was probably the hardest year of my life and this story was almost like a coping mechanism. I poured so much into this story and even though I usually find it really hard to feel good about things I do, I'm proud of myself for writing this.

I can't believe that this story came from me being bored one night and finally decided to write a fanfiction.

I hope you guys enjoyed the ending to this fanfiction!

And oh my goodness, I don't think I'll ever be able to properly thank everyone who read this story. It truly means the world to me. It's been so crazy to see people read, vote, and comment on this story. It's so hard for me to believe that people can like what I make. But it's been so amazing seeing people like this. And I wish there was a better way I could show my appreciation. I wish I could say more than thank you. But for right now, that's all I know how to say. 

So, thank you so so so much for taking to read this story, it means so much to me. I believe this story changed my life, and it's really thanks to you.

Thank you for reading The Mafia's Mistake!


(For anyone interesting in reading more stories by me, tonight I'm releasing a new story called, Crime, Betrayal, and Love. If it sounds interesting to you please check it out!)

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