Chapter 12 | Backstabbed

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Hoshi's P.O.V.


"Are you sure this is the right position? I'm pretty sure he could see us if he looked up here." The8 has been nagging me about every single thing about this mission. Compared to the cool, composed Wonwoo, who knew how to not question everything and just trusted the person S.Coups put in charge, this was like teaching a toddler who didn't know what a computer was, how to play a video game. Basically, it made me want to bash my head into a wall, then bash Eight's head into the same wall.

"Eight! This has been my job for four damn years. I probably know what I'm bloody doing! Especially compared to someone who hasn't been on a mission since training!" I whisper yelled at him so no-one could overhear us.

"ugh whatever." The8 said, not making any effort to hide his eye roll.

It took everything in me not to slap him. "How does someone like him rank so high in this group?"

"Just do what I tell you. Preferably without talking at all." I spit at him.

He didn't say anything this time, but he did give me a nasty glare.

We continued preparing for when we would need to kill the man we were here to assassinate. His name was BIC. He was from MCND, a rising mafia. Usually we would either try to make a deal with a group like this or just ignore them until they became a threat, but MCND made the dumb choice to interfere with a group of our lower-class men, killing three of them, so we obviously had to do something about it. From what information Dino got us on BIC, we know he's the main planner and one of the best fighters, making him the perfect way to send a message to MCND.

"He should be coming this way in two to three minutes. Make sure you're ready." I whispered to The8. He gave me a curt nod in response.

A man started walking down the alleyway that we were above. It was him. I started to aim at where he would be standing in, "1...2.."

Before I could pull the trigger, I was tackled from behind, making me knock my gun off the ledge and into the alleyway.

Whoever tackled me was trying to hold my hands down, but I was strong enough to turn over and push him off me.

I spared a quick glance at The8 to see that someone had also attacked him, but Eight had thrown him to the ground and was already throwing some punches.

Unfortunalty, those two seconds I spent looking at The8 was enough for my attacker to stand up and get into a fighting position. He rushed at me, aiming a punch to my jaw. I swiftly ducked down, picked him up, and threw him off the edge. I'm pretty sure I heard a crack.

I followed off the ledge to finish him and BIC off. I jumped over the down with care to make sure I didn't break any bones and I could defend myself once on the ground.

When I landed, I could see the man who tackled me, but BIC was nowhere to be seen. That was until I felt a hard punch to my jaw causing me to lose my balance. I didn't have time to regain my balance or defend myself before my back was on the ground and the man was a top-of me, continuously punching my face.

This time, I wasn't strong enough to push him off of me and I was stuck on my back.

On the man's third punch, my nose was in burning pain as it broke. Apparently that wasn't enough for BIC as he continued to punch me.


BIC's body collapsed onto mine.

"Are you okay Hoshi?" I heard The8 call from the ledge.

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