Chapter 31 | Conflict

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Hyunjin P.O.V.


"There is no way that we have enough power to go after Seventeen!" Minho and Chan were leaning over the table and yelling at each other. 

They were arguing over what we should do about Seungmin and Y/N escaping. I'm not sure about the other guys, but I wanted to join the argument. But I didn't want to side with one of them, both of them could make my life miserable and I really didn't want that.

"So we should just leave Seungmin to rot there?" Chan yelled back with wild hand movements. His face was turning red from yelling so much.

"No! I've told you, we need to make an alliance with NCT!" A few of the members shuffled in their seat. 

Over the years we had agreed to never be full time allies of NCT. There were too many cons. We had a partial alliance being connected to TXT, but even that was farther than we wanted to go.

Chan's moved his voice down to just barely above a whisper, "Have you lost your mind? Every single member agreed that we wouldn't do that. You know very well that it could kill this group!"

"Wouldn't it be worth it to save Seungmin!" Minho raised his voice even more and slammed his fist onto the table.

 Chan looked down to the ground, his knuckles starting to turn white. I could see the conflict in Chan's eyes as he thought what to say next.

"I'll look at other options tonight. If I can't find something out we'll start working on making an alliance." Chan left the table and quickly walked out of the room, not giving anyone a chance to say their opinion on the plan. 

I looked towards Jisung, who was already looking at me. "Think this will work?"

I shook my head no, "No way."


Jeonghan P.O.V.


"But I don't think he'll talk." I finished complaining to Joshua about how I still have to torture info out of Seungmin.

Me and Joshua were sitting in an underground cafe shop that was secretly controlled by Seventeen. The shop had a lot of criminals meet here because it wasn't located where there were a lot of people. 

The owners were a couple that used to be part of Seventeen until they got married. They asked to leave the group and S.Coups allowed them, as long as they would start this shop and use it to spy on fellow mafias and use it as a meeting point.

"I'm surprised you didn't fight S.Coups about it more." 

I sighed and took a sip of my now cold coffee, "I would, but I promised that I would follow him and his rules. He made it clear enough anyway, I couldn't push it even if I wanted to."

Joshua chuckled, "You don't seem like someone who cares about promises."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, I always keep my promises."

Joshua slightly tilted his head, "You sure about that? I know a few people who disagree."

"I didn't lie to DK if that's what you're talking about, I helped him find the people who killed his sister. He just doesn't realize it." 


Xiaojun P.O.V.


I aimed my gun at the last target and shot a bullet straight through his forehead. I put up my weapon and stretched my arms out. We had been fighting for three hours straight. Ten versus three.

We killed eight of them, captured one for torturing, and the last one had escaped, the one who was our target.

Youngjae of Got7 had been our target for today's mission.

"I can't believe we let him escape." Kun sighed as we walked back to the car.

I couldn't imagine the amount of shit Kun would be dealing with right now. Taeyong would be making his life miserable with Yangyang abandoning NCT. And his life was only going to get worse with us failing this mission.

"Got7 has been evading us for ages, so it won't be a shock that we fucked up." Ten put his hand on Kun's shoulder to try and comfort him.

But Kun just sighed, "This was the closest we've ever gotten. There shouldn't be an excuse for messing up. We know Got7's tactics. It was easy to see that he would try and escape the fight."

The three of us fell into an awkward silence, knowing that Kun was right, but not wanting to admit it.


The scenery flew past me outside. I had my check pressed to the window, trying to force myself into a state of mind that I didn't have to think about anything. But it was hard to dislocate from the world with Kun and Ten's chatter about our failure and how we could have not fucked up.

I ended up thinking about how it would be so much easier if Got7 and NCT hadn't started a rivalry when Got7 had kidnapped me and Yangyang for a brief moment. 

The mission was supposed to be a mock mission to test my skill, but it somehow ended with us actually following someone then getting stuck with a new enemy, which only ever created more problems.


The8 P.O.V.


"If I'm going to be waking up this early, I really need to start going to bed earlier," I mutter to myself as I step out of my car.

I left my phone here yesterday, and I didn't realize it until I had gotten home, and by then, I was too tired to drive back and grab it.

It'd be nice if I didn't have to work today. That way, I wouldn't have had to wake up so damn early.

Fumbling with my keys, I finally found the right one and unlock the door.

I flipped on the light as I entered the frigid apartment.

The last thing I expected to see was Y/N laying down on the couch, peacefully sleeping.

"Why's she sleeping out here? She doesn't even have a blanket, and It's so cold."

I sigh, walking towards my room. Once in there, I grab a warm blanket from the top shelf.

When I went out into the main room, I walked over to Y/N and spread the blanket over her.

Finally, I walk into the kitchen and search for my phone. For some reason, I had put it by the sink.

Before I walked out of the apartment, I turn the light off and took one more look at Y/N, who was still sleeping undisturbed.

"I wish I could sleep that peacefully."


[Author's Note]

Sorry for such a late and short update. I ran into a writing slump this week and I couldn't come up with anything to write. 

Thank goodness genshin needed to update because otherwise I probably wouldn't have uploaded today.

Also, does anyone hear play genshin? Because if you do let me know if you have any fanfic ideas for genshin because I really want to write one but I don't know what the plot would be.

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it!

(Hyunjin's POV wasn't too exciting for his character so I'll add something in the next few chapters that explore his character more, unless y'all don't want to read that.)

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