Chapter 47 | What Happened

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Hoshi's P.O.V.


"Hoshi, I need you to get me something from Dino," S.Coups says, not bothering to look away from his computer. "After that, look in on the hostages."

"Yes sir." I walk out of the office and start to make my way to the elevator.

This floor was one of the least affected floors in the building. Almost every other floor had dozens and dozens of bullet holes, either in the walls, floors, or roofs. And many places still have blood splatters that haven't been cleaned yet.

I walk into the elevator and click the button to take me to the first floor. I lean on one of the railings and intently listen to the elevator music, as I wait to reach the first floor.

"I wonder what S.Coups is getting from Dino."

The elevator dings and I start to make my way to Dino's hacker lair.

I knock on the door and wait for Dino to answer. Dino never answers and I have to knock again.

This time Dino hears the knock and yells, "Come in!" to me.

I open the door and walk into the darkroom and see Dino sitting in front of a computer with three large monitors. This was one of the only rooms on the first floor that hadn't been damaged, which Dino was relieved about.

"So, what am I picking up for S.Coups?"

Dino shrugs, "Mainly analytics from NCT's break-in." He opens something on his computer and brings up pages of stats.

The first page shows how many and which members were killed or captured. Overall there were twelve names. Nine dead and three captured. One whole unit of NCT was wiped out, ironically it was done by Mingyu and The8.

Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung - NCT Dream
Doyoung - NCT 127
Winwin - WayV

Johnny. Yuta. Jungwoo. - NCT 127

"You didn't include Samuel?" I ask after looking through the names.

"No, S.Coups asked me not to add him," Dino says, an air of sadness in his voice. "I'm not sure why, he didn't explain.

On the next page, it has Seventeen's stats.


Jun - Broken leg and two bullet wounds. (Left leg and right arm)
Seungkwan - Bullet wounds in the arm. (Right arm)
Vernon - Bullet wound in his side and minor concussion. (Left side)

Realizing Jeonghan was dead felt very weird to me. He was one of the most vital members of Seventeen. He basically brought half of us to Seventeen.

"What's the rest of the info?" I ask to distract myself.

"Eh, boring stuff. Just damages and stuff," Dino says as he flips through the pages. "Oh, and stuff about Stray Kids." Dino stops at one of the last pages. "Basically it's just saying that one of them killed Jeonghan and we know that three of them were badly injured but we don't know who." Dino Shrugs, "Supposedly they were able to break their contract with NCT"

"Interesting," I comment as Dino reaches to grab a USB. "Do you know if S.Coups is planning on doing anything about them? Considering they killed Jeonghan and all?"

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