Chapter 37 | The Attack (Part One)

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The8's POV


I try not to laugh at Y/N's "disguise". It wasn't much of a disguise. Any of the members would be able to recognize her. 

Although I had to admit that it didn't look bad on her.

"Okay just follow everything I do."

"Okay, got it."

I enter the building through the employee entrance with Y/N trailing behind me.

My phone rings, the caller I.D. reading Mingyu. I quickly answer the call.

"Okay," Mingyu's faint voice comes from the phone. "The staircase is clear until floor three. Go there and let me know once you get there."


I look towards Y/N and nod to the nearby door. The two of us sprint to the door and then rush up the stairs.

Soon we reach the third floor and I put my phone back up to my ear. "Okay, we're at the door for the third floor."

"Here's the plan, we go up in the elevator together, then I walk ahead while you and the girl hide in one of the nearby rooms."

"Okay. Ready?" I whisper to Y/N

"Yep, let's go!"

I grab Y/N's hand and I slightly open the door, peaking out, double-checking that no one was around. 

"Ready?" I ask turning to look at Y/N and she nods. 

We walk out of the room and half walk half run towards the elevator, where Mingyu was holding the door open.

Once we're in, he presses the button to close the doors and presses the button going to the 16th floor.

The elevator ride seemed too long, but it was probably my own, anxious mind.

I watch as the different numbers light up. 

14... 15... 16.

As the elevator dings, me, Mingyu, and Y/N all exit. Mingyu walks forward and me and Y/N look for a room to hide in for a short time, but the only one around is a small janitor's closet. 

I hear the faint sound of snapping, I turn to Mingyu who has a frantic look on his face, he's waving at us. I hear the sound of faint conversation walking towards us.

Me and Y/N share a look and run towards the janitor's closet. We squeeze uncomfortably close into the closet. We're stuck facing each other, our chests almost touching. I try to move back into the wall but it's useless.

The only sound I could hear was my own heartbeat and Y/N's breath.

I hear the sound of two familiar voices sharing a conversation get closer then slowly fade as they walk away.

Once the voices were gone Mingyu comes and opens the door. 

"Ready?" he asks, eyeing the two of us.

"Yep." I look back to Y/N, "We're almost there."

We exit the closet and continue walking towards the room. 

Thankfully there was no one else that came our way.

"Welcome to your new home, hopefully only for a couple of days though."

Y/N looked around the messy living room that we had. "Uhh, thanks!"

I point over to my room, "You can stay in there for now. It's much cleaner than here."

"Thank you, Eight." Y/N smiled.

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