Chapter 13 | The Hacker's Mistake

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DK's P.O.V.


"Dino, what in the world do you mean?" I asked him, slowly and full of suspicion.

Dino just stood in the doorway, panting, and looking absolutely terrified. He stared at Y/N and started mumbling something almost incoherent. I was only able to understand a couple words

"S.Coups.......ill I done?.........uined her life!"

"What is goi- Oh shit!"

I placed the tray I was holding and grabbed Dino's shoulders to face me, once he was facing me I started shaking him, "Dino, tell me what is going on. Right. Now."

I had a good idea what happened, but I wanted to be wrong so bad because if I was right, everything would become ten times more hectic than it currently was.

"She- she's not the spy."


"I mixed something up, it's actually one of her coworkers. I- DK, I don't know what to do. S.Coups is going to kill me!" Dino expressed with obnoxious hand gestures and an anxious look on his face.

"I am about to kill you! Did you not double check? What's going to happen to Y/N now? S.Coups might ki-" I stopped screaming at Dino and cut myself off, not wanting to scare Y/N.

"Oh, come on DK, after being tortured, death probably isn't going to seem so horribly scary."

"Look, Dino, I'll talk to you later. I need to take Y/N to the medical room."

"What am I supposed to do?" Dino looked so desperate that I almost took pity on him.

"Well, you could tell S.Coups, it's best to tell him as soon as possible, you know." I saw all the life drain out of his face at the suggestion. Facing S.Coups about this might really kill him. "Actually scratch that: It'd be better to tell Jeonghan so he can tell S.Coups, plus Jeonghan is the least likely to get super angry at you." I said, knowing that Jeonghan never tried to hide that Dino was one of his favorites. 

"Or better idea, double check whoever her coworker is so you don't make the same mistake twice!" I scolded him.

As Dino ran off, I rushed over to Y/N to untie her from the chair. "I am so, so sorry that this happened to you, I hope that we can find a way to send you back to your normal life. Of course, it would be hard to go back to normal after being tortured and all." I looked up at her face to see  what I assumed was a very freaked out Y/N. "You know what, I'm going to stop talking."

After untying her, I picked her up bridal style and carried her up a couple floors to our medical room.

Once we reached the room, I gently put her down on one of the beds and started to get supplies to treat her as best as I could until Joshua came back.


"Excuse me, what!" Joshua shouted. I've just finished explaining to Joshua what had happened to say he looked shocked would be a great understatement.

His mouth was hanging open and his eyes went wide. He slowly walked over to his desk and sat down, disoriented and placed his head in his hands. "How the actual hell did this happen? We are one of the largest mafia groups and our main hacker made a rookie mistake."

Joshua looked over to Y/N sleeping and let out a deep sigh: "Oh, goodness, the poor girl. "Me and Joshua were the two members who still felt the most guilty hurting innocent people. "Does S.Coups know?" He questioned, looking at me.

The Mafia's Mistake (Seventeen Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now