Chapter 32 | Crazy Plans

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Hyunjin's POV


"I'm not surprised that he's considering it actually. I mean how many times has Chan almost gotten himself killed trying to save one of us from something dumb when we started this group?"

"Still! Chan has only risked his life. He's risking the whole group if he decides to work with NCT!" Jisung said while opening the door to a small cafe.

"Okay, that part is weird." I went to say more but I was cut off by Mrs. Jeon.

"Hello Jisung, Hyunjin!" 

"Hi Mrs. Jeon!" Jisung called back while I waved.

Mrs. Jeon ran the coffee shop with her husband. They were an older couple who had decided they wanted to start a business together a few years ago. 

Me and Jisung used to come here often but with Seungmin's situation, we hadn't come in for a long time.

Exchange Cafe was a common meeting place and unestablished peace area for people part of the mafia.

While Mrs. Jeon started to make my and Jisung's usual orders, the two of us went to sit at a table in the corner, so if anyone came in they couldn't hear us.

Jisung leaned over the table and spoke in a hushed voice, "Look, I need you to hear me out, without interruption. Can you do that?"

I looked at Jisung, scared of what he was going to tell me. "Yeah, I think so?"

"Good. I think-"

"Here you go!"

Mrs. Jeon put down our drinks while Jisung nearly jumped out of his seat. 

I found it funny how Jisung can be so unaware of his surroundings.

Jisung placed his hand over his heart while Mrs. Jeon laughed at him.

"Thanks for the drinks!" I smiled at her.

"Of course," she smiled back, "enjoy!" And Mrs. Jeon walked off, leaving us to talk.

"Okay, you can interrupt me if someone comes over," Jisung said, adding a nervous chuckle.

"Got it. Okay, so what do you want to tell me?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

Jisung looked around the shop that was mainly empty, then once again leaned over the table, "If Stray Kids does end up joining with NCT, I think we should find a way to start something inside NCT that would bring them down."

I almost spit out my coffee at Jisung's suggestion.

"Are you fucking crazy!" I whispered through gritted teeth.

Jisung shhed me and once again glanced around the cafe.

"Look, it could be really good for Stray Kids! We use their help to save Seungmin, and before they have time to take us over we destroy NCT from the inside!" Jisung started to get excited, slightly raising his voice. "If we do that imagine the reputation that Stray Kids would receive, we could become a top group!"

Jisung stared at me excitedly, waiting for me to respond.

"There are so many things that could go wrong with that! First of all, we could die, and get everyone else killed!" I joined Jisung, also leaning over the table. "And we'd have to do it just the two of us, I don't think anyone else would help us. How can the two of do anything?"

"Well, I do have a plan..... mostly at least." Jisung scratched the back of his neck. "Just hear me out."


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