Chapter 24 | A Normal Life

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The8's P.O.V.


"What exactly would you need help with? Cause I refuse to put my life in danger for someone like you." Jun spat, his voice full of venom.

I found it incredibly interesting to see this side of Jun. He usually had this cool facade to him that made it seem like he had no care in the world. But right now, he was on edge and seemed stress.

He isn't used to be getting caught.

I find seeing this side of Jun way too enjoyable.

"Probably killing someone. I'm not quite sure yet." I shrugged, "At this point, it really doesn't matter too much, does it? You've been caught, so it's best to not be too against what I say."

I saw Jun's face become sour. Even though I rarely interacted with him, it was obvious that Jun didn't like it when he didn't have control of whatever situation he was in.

"Anyways, what is your plan to save Y/N?" I leaned against the wall, making sure I kept an eye on the door.

I refuse to be as dumb as these two and get caught.

"We don't have one yet." DK sounded solemn. Not that surprising, considering he obviously felt horrible.

Sighing, I walked over to Joshua's desk. I knew that he had an abundance of notebooks. It won't hurt him if one is missing. I'll just make sure that nothing important is in it before.

When I found a smaller, unused notebook that wouldn't be missed I took it out and grabbed a red, blue, and black pen.

Standing up, I saw DK now standing over the desk staring at me.

"What are you doing exactly?"

"Stealing a notebook to write our plan in. That should be obvious." I moved over to one of the beds and comfortably propped myself on it to take notes.

Jun took a seat on the bed opposite of the one I was on and DK continued to stand by the desk, slightly leaning on it.

"We know where Stray Kids base is, right?" I asked, flipping to a random page to start note-taking.

"I was able to get a picture of the address when Dino wasn't looking." Jun read the address to me, and I copyed it into the book.

"Does the building look like it would have a complex design?" I started pulling up a picture of the building on my phone. Of course, we wouldn't be able to get a perfect layout, but it shouldn't be too hard to get an idea by just looking at the outside.

"Looks like any basic office building to me, probably had a basement because it's only a few stories high."

"Perfect." I started to sketch a basic outline of what the inside would probably look like.

Even if it wasn't good, it would give us a base setup for planning a break-in.



I pondered over the plan the three of us had made. Considering the lack of time and information we had, we actually did a decent job.

The last thing I had expected from that was to work well with Jun in creating a plan, but it went smoothly.

We were set to leave early tomorrow morning. Hopefully, everyone else awake would be too groggy to notice anything suspicious was going on. But that shouldn't be a problem anyways. Jun's acting would lend him a hand there. People always thought I acted weird. As for DK, I'm sure Jun would make sure he didn't out us.

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