Chapter 7 | Long Lost Sister

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Y/N's P.O.V.


I was currently making all sorts of different drinks for customers. Even though the café is a little smaller than normal, we still had an incredibly busy rush hour. Jennie was serving most of the drinks, along with sometimes helping me and another one of our coworkers make drinks. Unfortunately for Seungmin, he had to take everyone's order, which meant he was met with a sad amount of crappy people who didn't feel the need to have basic politeness.

Once our busy time was becoming less busy, I started chatting with Jennie and Junghoon about The Hunger Games and random theories we had and our favorite characters. While talking about the second book, a new customer came in. This wouldn't usually cause everyone to stop talking—well, Jennie and Junghoon were still talking, but I'd stopped seeing the look on Seungmin's face, observing the newcomer.

Seungmin's face was an interesting mixture of concern, anger, and what I think is suspension. Looking at the new customer, I couldn't notice anything weird about him. He was very tall, with blonde hair that he'd dyed silver at the end, and he had some sort of princely charm to him. I had to admit he was quite charming.

As he was walking up to Seungmin, he quickly gave me a smile that was honestly more like a smirk that suggested he caught me staring. "Damn it Y/N why'd you stare for so long, you fool!" At this point, I was doing my best to go back to normal, but I was a wonderful bright shade of red, which made that difficult.

I was now silently listening to the current conversation going on and every couple seconds looking over at Seungmin and the interesting man who was most definitely not ordering something. Seungmin still looked distressed and I was worried something was wrong. Unintentionally, I was starting to eavesdrop on them, but I couldn't hear a word they said because they were whispering.

After about two minutes, Seungmin walked over to me, obviously trying to look calmer than he was. "Hey, Y/N, could you take orders for like ten minutes? I really need to talk to my friend privately for a little."

"Umm, yeah of course. I hope everything's all right."

"Thanks I really appreciate it."


It's been fifteen minutes and Seungmin still isn't back. Usually I'd be annoyed by the fact he was five minutes late, even though it isn't that big of a deal, but I was feeling anxious right now more than anything.

While I was caught up in my thoughts, Jennie elbowed me in the ribs lightly: "Look your lover boy is here." she whispered to me with a playful smirk.

I focused my gaze towards the door and sure enough Jun was there. Once we made eye-contact, he gave me a gentle smile and walked over.

"Hello! Came for some coffee and to make sure you're still good for tomorrow."

"Of course I am." I chuckled.

"Awesome!" He somehow looked even prettier when he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "Well unfortunately I'm busy today but I can't wait to see you tomorrow!"

"Ahh, well have a good day, see you later!"


Jun's P.O.V.


I usually enjoyed my job of spying and manipulating people. Gaining their trust just to betray them. But I absolutely hated this. I'm not sure if it's because most of the time I'm learning information and I don't have to be all lovey? Or if it's that Y/N seems so innocent? Everyone I deal with are cold-hearted killers like myself who know almost nothing of me. But knowing it's very likely that she knows who I am quite honestly scares me.

Letting out a sigh, I took out my phone to check the time 2:47. I had to meet DK in half an hour. Originally I was hoping to walk to the restaurant, but Dino talked to me for too long, so I would have to take a taxi now.



I had expected DK to have already gone inside and got our table, but he was waiting outside. "Hello DK."

"Hey, S.Coups doesn't know you're here right?"

"You make it sound like we're betraying him. But no, I did not tell S.coups, they only other person who knows about this is Dino."

"To be fair if S.coups knew what we were doing he very well might shoot us."

"Well know you're just being dramatic." DK gave me a dirty look, clearly not enjoying me not taking this as seriously as I should have.

"Let's go inside so you can actually help me."



I felt tense sitting in front of DK. We both were directly breaking rules that S.coups had put in place.

"So, umm, do you know who killed her?" DK's voice was quieter than normal; he was still sensitive with the topic of his sister's death.

"Well me and Chan found a couple groups it could be tied back to a couple gangs but looking into it seems like it was a group called Victon." I drew out my words, scared of his reaction, when I told him who it was.

"What else do you know." DK's eyes were void of emotion and his face was relaxed in a way that made it scary

"All we know now is that they have seven members. We're still trying to find out who they are, what their role is, and who, well, who killed her." He grimaced at the last part.

"Do you think S.Coups will find out?"

"I mean, we've done a good job so far, but even if he does, I honestly don't think he'll be as mad as you think. I mean, he has a sibling he cares about too."

"True, but I still don't want to find out."

"Fair enough."

Right as we ended that, the server came with our food, which led to a half-awkward silence while we ate.

"I still don't understand why S.coups said to not look into it. Does he not realize how serious it is!" DK was fuming; his eyes were wide and his lips were in a thin, straight line.

"how did I not realize he was growing angry?!?"

"Why in the world should I not try and avenge my sister? Doesn't she deserve that?" DK was steadily becoming louder, causing glances from the tables near us.

"Dokyeom I understand its frustrating but you need to quiet down, not everyone needs to know about this." I tried to make my voice strict but comforting at the same time, but I wasn't sure how that was working. "The main reason S.coups doesn't want us working on it is because he's scared you'll do something foolish and get yourself killed. I don't exactly agree with him, obviously because I'm helping you, but he does have a good point."

He let out a sigh. He looked so defeated. His head hung low and his eyes were filled with a sad lifelessness to them. "I want to do something idiotic so bad, I don't want her killers to just be able to live a peaceful life."

I decided to not tell him that he also was part of a group who killed many people and there were countless people who felt the same way to him.

"Thank you for all your help."

"Of course," I gave him a genuine, soft smile.

[Author's Note]

Okay, so I'm going to stop saying I'm will update more than once a week as I am obviously failing. ☺ Very sorry about that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also, sorry for making the story so slow, but all of this will be important later in the story, I promise.

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