Chapter 43 | The Move

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Minghao's P.O.V.


By some miracle, the day we spent in the hotel room was peaceful. Well, as peaceful as it can be when you're anxious that someone is going to come and kill you.

It feels weird waiting for the plane, knowing that I have no possessions except my phone and a few large bundles of cash in a backpack. None of us even had extra clothes.

Thankfully, I was able to find a cheap hotel we could stay at for a few days until we found an apartment to stay at.

I check the time on my phone to see how much longer we have to wait until we can board our plane. Our plane was supposed to be here in around thirty minutes.

My eyelids felt heavy, and every part of my body wanted to fall asleep, but I force myself to stay awake until we're on the plane. Mingyu was sitting beside me, sleeping, and Y/N sat across from us, mindlessly staring off into space.

"One of us needs to be aware of what's going on."

I tiredly sigh and start to look around the airport, hoping that if I start people watching it'll make me less tired.

There aren't a lot of people sitting in this area. I notice two different families, two men and three women, who look like they are all working for the same company. And the last person was a tired-looking man with messy white hair, who looks oddly familiar.

Out of all the people who are waiting for the plane, the man with white hair is the only one who makes me feel wary, so I can't help but watch him. He's not doing anything, in particular, that's suspicious, but he still draws my attention, even though the man was simply looking at his phone.

Over the speakers, an almost robotic voice calls out a warning for our flight, startling me out of my staring trance, "Flight 1713 is departing in five minutes."

I shake Mingyu awake, "Come on. We have to leave soon." 

Mingyu groans and rubs his eyes, "Ugh, okay."

Apparently, the alert had brought Y/N out of her trance, she stood up, ready to leave.

Me and Mingyu stand up, following her.

"Let's go." I sigh.


One Week Later 


"Thank you for staying with us!" The lady who worked at the hotel counter said in English as I signed out.

I nod and smile at the lady, not wanting to respond. 

I get into the passenger's seat of the rental car that the three of us are using. Mingyu starts to drive off, heading towards the new apartment we had signed a lease on. 

We had found a small two-bedroom apartment. The plan was for us all to stay there until we got jobs and could go our separate ways.

"Should we stop at a grocery store?" Mingyu asks from the driver's seat.

"Oh shit, we need food," I mutter, "Yeah, let's go." Mingyu lightly laughs and I hear Y/N snicker behind me. I smile, amused.

While shopping we got enough food for a week, and some other basic things we would need at the apartment. 

After putting all the bags in the car, we continue driving to our new apartment.

Once we arrive at the new apartment we all grab some groceries and some cheap clothes we had bought from the airport.

The three of us have already decided where everyone was going to stay. Me and Mingyu agreed to share one of the rooms while Y/N had her own room. For a while, Y/N denied this and insisted that she could sleep on the couch, but eventually she agreed to take the room.

I can't help but smile as we walk into the apartment. Happy to be at the start of a hopefully normal life.


Y/N's P.O.V.


After putting all the groceries up I walk into my new room. It was quite cozy. A twin-sized bed in the corner with an average-sized closet beside it. Across from the bed, there was a wooden desk, that had a large window in front of it with a pretty view of the small city. 

I lean on my new desk, looking out to the city, coming to the realization that this would be my new home. I wish it made me happy, but it just makes me remember the city I left behind, a place I wouldn't be able to feel safe returning to.

"Y/N?" I hear along with a light knock at my open door. I turn to see Minghao looking at me, his hands behind his back.

I lightly smile at him and he steps into the room.

"I got this for you," Minghao says, bringing his hands forward to reveal a rectangular box. He hands me the box and reveals it to be a phone.

"Oh wow! Thank you!" I exclaim in shock.

Minghao shrugs, "Well, I should go help Mingyu," He says and leaves just as quickly as he had shown up.

Sitting at the desk, I start to set up the new phone. Once the phone is set up I go to the phone call app. I stare at the number pad, desperately trying to remember her number.

Slowly, I type a familiar number into the phone and listen as it rings. The phone continues to ring and I worry that she won't pick up.

"Please pick up," I mutter to the phone.

The ringing stops and I go to put the phone down.

"Hello? Who is this?" I hear the familiar voice.


"Y/N! Where are you?" 

"I'm in Iceland," I say with a small, sad laugh.

"What the fuck! How are you in Iceland?"

I start to explain to her how I got stuck in this situation. Once I get to the part about Seungmin dying I can't stop myself from crying.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N. Are you sure about Seungmin?" Jennie asks, her voice cracking as she starts to cry.

"Pretty sure," I cry.

Me and Jennie continue to call for the rest of the day, talking about what had happened recently. A few times we tried to talk about Seungmin, but we never could bring ourselves to have a whole conversation.

"I'll call you tomorrow?"

"You better!" Jennie basically yells into the phone, making us laugh.

"Bye Jennie," I say and hang up on the call. A feeling of comfort takes over, and I lay on my bed, ready to go to bed. 


[Author's Note]

So important question. What do you guys think of having two endings for the story? I have two ideas and I'm not sure if I want to do them both or not.

I want to say that I'm so thankful to everyone who has read this story, and who has taken the time to vote and comment on this story. It really means so much to me and I feel like I should thank you guys for it more.

I forget when exactly I started writing this story, but I do know that it was sometime last March. So I've been writing this story for around a year now and that feels so crazy to me. The past year passed by so quickly, which is unreal considering how much happened in my life. And I genuinely think this story has helped give me a small escape from everything.

In almost a month this story is going to be over. Part of me is sad that this story will be over, but I'm also excited to start working on some of the other fanfic ideas that I've had recently. 

I know that this is a bit of a longer author's note, but thanks to anyone who read it. I want everyone who reads this to know I love you and I hope you're doing well! Hopefully, you have a good day/night.

Goodbye! See you next week!

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