chapter 65

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Wen Run only took two days off, and he was ready to return to the crew the next afternoon. Ye Hansheng escorted him to the airport. Although he didn't say anything, he was full of dissatisfaction. The man has always been reticent outside, knowing that Wen Run is going to work and can't do things that stop him, so he can only calm his eyebrows and exude an aura of "I'm not happy but I don't say".

At the airport, there is still begging for others, Wen Run dare not make any outrageous moves, so she can only smile at him comfortingly, and whisper: "I will video with you tonight."

Ye Hansheng's cold expression eased a little, fingers touched his lips lightly, his dazzling gaze fell on him, his eyes were bent with a smile, and then he turned and walked towards the boarding gate.

Ye Hansheng didn't return to the company until Wenrun's flight took off.

Wen Run returned to the crew after a two-day rest, and naturally became busy again. He was filming during the day, and after the end of the play, he secretly hid in the bed and took the video with Ye Hansheng. Sometimes Ye Hansheng was busy with work, and Wen Run just looked at his profile, and felt that his heart was full of sugar and sweet.

The busy shooting schedule lasted until mid-July, and Wen Run was about to usher in the shooting of the first immediate scene. Yuan Tao adjusted the shooting schedule for this immediate scene, and let Wen Run learn horse riding with a professional equestrian.

In Wen Run's drama so far, there is no need to ride a horse. But the next scene he faced had very high demands on the actor's equestrian skills. The young general rode a war horse and swept across the army with a spear. Wen Run not only has to learn how to ride a horse, but also has to master several difficult horse movements to perfectly perform this battle of fame.

Yuan director has strict requirements. Since the beginning of filming, the cast has basically never used a stand-in. During this period of time, Wen Run has been affected by his ears and eyes, and unknowingly, he has become stricter. He rejected the assistant's suggestion to use a substitute and decided to go on his own.

Knowing that he can't ride a horse, Yuan Dao gave him time to learn.

Wenrun put on his armor and got acquainted with the horse first under the leadership of the equestrian. This is a black mare with shiny and smooth fur and shiny black eyes. Seeing Wenrun approaching, she flicked her tail, and her erect ears trembled slightly.

"It's called Tamo. It has a good temper. Try to touch it." The equestrian held the reins.

Wenrun tentatively stretched out his hand and gently touched the horse's wet nose. Ta Mo seemed to like him very much, blinked and rubbed the palm of his hand with his wet nose.

One person and one horse quickly became familiar. The equestrian teacher began to teach him the essentials of riding again, and Wen Run got on the horse with the help of the equestrian after firmly remembering.

The horse snorted under him, and his horse hooves stepped on the spot. Wenrun touched it soothingly, pressing the stirrup's foot to gently clamp the horse's belly, and instructed Tamo to move forward.

In the morning, Wen Run was trying to get acquainted with Tamo. He mastered it fairly quickly. He was able to ride Tamo for a trot after leaving the equestrian. However, when filming, he had to wear armor and make more changes. What a difficult action. It is much harder than the practice of wearing armor and fully armed. So after studying for two days, he was able to trot on a horse wearing armor. It is still a little difficult to make fancy moves right away.

When Huo Guangwei came off the scene to see him, he saw him sitting on a horse and practicing wielding a spear. The crew made meticulous props. Although the spear is not a real heavy weapon, it is not light in the hand. As soon as Wen Run got started, he wanted to control the horse under him while pulling out beautiful guns, which looked rather awkward.

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